23 Jun 2017

What Happens After Pituitary Tumor Surgery?

Pituitary gland is a pea-sized organ placed in a bony hollow behind the nose. It is a significant part of endocrine system which is responsible for production and regulation of various hormones. Due to these reasons, it is also touted as ‘master gland’. A pituitary tumor can be described as a condition which arises due to formation and accumulation of abnormal cells in pituitary gland. Although these tumors are not necessarily cancerous in nature, they can adversely affect functioning of pituitary gland. An apt pituitary tumor treatment in its developmental stages can help cure it completely. 

What is Pituitary Tumor Surgery?

Pituitary tumor surgery is a clinical intervention which can be implemented for removal of tumors present in pituitary gland. Neurosurgeons recommend a surgery in the following conditions.

Hormones - Over production of hormones that cannot be managed with medicines and drugs. 

Health Issues - When an underlying pituitary tumor causes several health issues by pressing on gland and surrounding regions of patient’s nervous system.

Growth - When tumor goes on increasing in terms of its overall size and dimensions.

Recovery Following Pituitary Tumor Surgery

Patients will be monitored in health care center for a few days after completion of surgical procedure. Patients are likely to face certain post-surgical barriers such as urinary problems, eyesight changes, and clotting of blood in legs. Respective neurosurgeons take care of all such potential complications by providing essential medicines to patients during their tenure at hospital. Patients may not be able to eat properly in initial days. They are encouraged to have liquid juices and soft foods which are easy to chew during this period.

Precautions At Home

Patients may experience a mild headache and discomfort which can be managed with the help of prescribed medicines. Patients will need to take plenty of rest once they get a discharge from hospital. They must ask a care provider or a family member to stay with them for few months. They should call the doctor immediately if they encounter problems like water drainage via nose, bleeding, or urine-related problems. They must avoid performing heavy lifting and strenuous tasks until they take advice from a doctor. Recovery following a pituitary tumor surgery may require a time span of 6 months to one year. A pituitary tumor may recur if appropriate measures are not taken. Therefore, patients need to stay in touch with doctors and attend follow-up care routine regularly.

Key Advantages of Availing Pituitary Tumor Treatment in India

Having already secured a significant position in medical sector, Indian country is now recognized as a best medical care hub. This country has a large range of multispecialty health care centers which offer finest neuro surgeries including pituitary tumor surgery at reasonable prices. In fact, pituitary tumor surgery cost in India is just a fraction of the total amount which other western countries demand. Therefore, international patients seeking high-quality pituitary tumor surgery may opt for Indian country and avail successful outcomes.

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