25 Jun 2017

World Vitiligo Day -25 June

25th of June is observed as ‘World Vitiligo Day’ every year in the entire world. Vitiligo is a disease which results in white patches anywhere on skin, especially, areas such as hands, face & legs. Skin colored is determined by a special pigment called as melanin. Vitiligo appears when melanin producing tissues & cells known as melanocytes stop functioning normally. Various organizations & medical care authorities conduct healthcare campaigns to educate people regarding vitiligo in terms of its causes, signs, early identification, effective treatments & general skin care regime. This event mainly aims at raising vitiligo awareness & helping people & their family members or friends struggling with this skin condition on a major scale.

Precise cause behind disturbance in normal production of melanin that causes vitiligo is still not known. However, medical experts doubt that it is an autoimmune condition where a person’s body destroys its own melanocytes & results in noticeable white patches on skin. In addition to this, extreme stress, family history of vitiligo & overexposure to sun are some major risk factors that may fuel up the occurrence of vitiligo. Vitiligo patients are at a higher risk of getting health issues such as skin cancer, partial loss of hearing, vision problems & social anxiety.

One of the most prominent symptoms of vitiligo is white patchy skin. Vitiligo may also lead to graying of facial hair including areas like patient’s beard, lashes & eyebrows. Such symptoms are most likely to appear during adolescence period. This condition may worsen with time. It can adversely affect body folds, regions exposed to sunlight & skin surrounding moles. People who notice abnormal patches on skin or discoloration of skin on certain body parts should consider meeting a well-qualified skin specialist to prevent further damage.

Vitiligo can be diagnosed quite easily with the help of a complete physical evaluation & a skin biopsy test. At first, respective doctors may ask for patient’s medical history which includes their current health status as well as the supplements or medicines they take on a daily basis. It will help doctors understand patient’s other medical issues. An ultraviolet radiation method is used to figure out whether patient has vitiligo or any other skin problem. Doctors take the help of a specialized lamp that emits ultraviolet radiation to precisely check the white patches. They may also take a sample of cells of specific skin area & send it to a laboratory for a foolproof investigation.

Vitiligo is not a life-threatening problem. Medications, therapies & surgeries are the three main treatment options for vitiligo. Main goal of treatment is to cure white patchy skin & restore its natural pigment. It just requires proper skin care & long-term commitment to following doctor’s guidelines. Doctors may recommend the use of steroid creams to get rid of white patches. However, overuse of steroid creams & lotions may cause various complications such as thinning of skin. In some instances, doctors may prescribe immunomodulators medications & ointments. They are enriched with ingredient ‘tacrolimus’ which is known to treat skin discoloration effectively.

Photochemotherapy is a widely used method to treat vitiligo. It involves intake of a medicine called as ‘psoralen’ combined with a light therapy. Patients are given psolaren either orally or applied to skin in form of a cream. After that, they are exposed to ultraviolet A. As this treatment comprises use of psolaren & UVA, it is also referred to as ‘PUVA’ therapy. Doctors may suggest PUVA therapy for up to three to four times a week for a duration of one year to obtain desired outcomes. Apart from this, doctors may also recommend depigmentation therapy to treat vitiligo. This therapy uses a de-pigmenting agent which is applied to other non-affected skin areas so that it gets perfectly blended with affected area to create an equilibrium & normal appearance of skin.

When all other options fail, then doctors may advise a surgical approach to treat vitiligo. Micropigmentation & skin grafting are the most feasible surgical treatment options for creating a normal-like skin tone of patients. Micropigmentation involves implanting melanin pigment to eradicate the problem of skin discoloration. Whereas, skin grafting procedure involves taking off small sections of regular, healthy skin & placing it in place of white patchy skin. Patients may feel anxious and lose self-esteem during any type of treatment due to an abnormal skin condition. Such patients facing emotional trauma may take help of a medical professional to stay mentally stable until they completely recover.

IndianMedTrip is one of the well-established & top-grade medical facilitators in India. Healthcare experts at IndianMedTrip have tie-ups with all prime healthcare centers & clinics in India. They are associated with experienced skin specialists & doctors who are well-trained in treating vitiligo problem. IndianMedTrip Team makes sure that international patients get excellent quality as well as cost-effective treatments in a smooth manner. They assist global patients throughout their journey by availing basic facilities like good food, proper accommodation, traveling & sincere healthcare professionals.

On occasion of ‘World Vitiligo Day’, IndianMedTrip has announced special packages to help overseas guests get best possible treatment of vitiligo in Indian country. International patients can check their informative & user-friendly website for understanding the offer & treatment-related details. IndianMedTrip is also providing free online medical consultation for vitiligo & other medical issues. IndianMedTrip aims at helping as many vitiligo patients as possible. Patients should take advantage of this highly beneficial opportunity & decide what treatment is most suitable for them.

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Source: https://indianmedtrip.com/articles/world-vitiligo-day-25-june/


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