18 Jan 2016

Vitamin C Proved Effective To Reduce Obesity


Obesity has developed as one of the major health risks worldwide. Additionally, an unnecessary body fat buildup, which defines this disease, can also lead to various associated medical conditions like cardiovascular events, type 2 diabetes, inflammation, and some types of cancer. Diabetes, Hypertension and Cardiovascular diseases are some of the major conditions found in obese people. Obesity leads to a range of medical complications related with the excessive weight. The presence of these co-morbidities has been usually related to an unstable oxidative stress. Therefore, antioxidant-based cures are to be considered as stimulating approaches to possibly cure obesity fat accumulation problems.

Common Practices By Obese People

Overweight and obese people are generally advised to exercise on a daily basis for better health. However, about 1/3 of the population are physically inactive and do not practice healthy food habits or exercise regimes.

Bad dietary habits and a lack of routine exercises greatly increases the risk of blood vessel constriction which is often more in overweight and obese people and results in increased risk for cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes.

Various Reasons of Obesity

·         Genetics
·         Overeating
·         High intake of simple carbohydrates
·         Higher Frequency of eating
·         Physical inactivity
·         Specific Medications
·         Psychological factors
·         Diseases
·         Social issues
·         Ethnicity
·         Childhood weight
·         Hormonal changes

Facts about Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin mostly available in fruits and vegetables. As a water-soluble vitamin it is not stored inside the body and any extra amount is voided in the urine. Which clearly means you require to have vitamin C daily. The body uses vitamin C to restore damaged tissues and helps growth of new skin, bones, tendons, teeth and blood vessels. Vitamin C also works as an antioxidant, and play a vital role in the prevention of various diseases.

Constricting blood vessels are mostly dangerous for overweight or obese people as they cause blood pressure to increase throughout the body, which further increase the chances of stroke, heart disease, kidney failure, and other health complications. Vitamin C has been proved to be effective in various health conditions like in protecting against high blood pressure, endothelial dysfunction and the blood vessel changes that lead to heart disease. Additional studies have shown that vitamin C is very helpful in preventing asthma, preventing against cancer, and supporting healthy blood sugar levels.

Benefits of taking Vitamin C

The possible advantageous effects of Vitamin C on obesity-related health conditions are -  
  •   The vitamin helps in modulating adipocyte lipolysis
  •   The vitamin helps in controlling of the glucocorticoid release from adrenal glands.
  •   Obstructs glucose metabolism and leptin secretion on isolated adipocytes.
  •  Leads to a development in hyperglycemia and decrease glycosylation in obese-diabetic patients.
  • While vitamin C supplementation may be a good advantage to an obese person’s weight-loss procedure as it helps in lowering the blood pressure but it cannot be considered as a replacement for exercise.

About IndianMedTrip

IndianMedTrip is a leading medical tourism consultant in India. IndianMedTrip is associated with a vast network of Medical providers spread across all major cities in India. These hospitals and clinics are well-equipped with the best and most advanced medical devices and tools to make sure that the patients get the most efficient treatments. The doctors and surgeons are well-trained in handling all types of medical procedures. IndianMedTrip offers affordable cost, personalized packages and fulfills all the individual requirements of the patient visiting India for various medical treatments.

Email us at info@indianmedtrip.com to get best yet low-cost obesity treatment in India.

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