4 Aug 2016

Brain Tumor Surgery: Types and Treatments

Brain tumor arises due to abnormal growth of cells which are proliferated in an uncontrolled manner. Brain tumors are graded according to their aggressive nature. The lower-grade tumors are often benign whereas higher-grade tumors are malignant in nature.

When normal cells grow old they either get damaged or undergo apoptosis which is the death of the cell or they get repaired. Mutations can occur in the cellular DNA which can disrupt these regulatory processes and cells that would normally die, go on to survive and proliferate. These particular cells multiply and give rise to more abnormal cells. Eventually, with time these accumulated cells form a mass called a growth or tumor.

Brain tumors can be cancerous or non-cancerous. When time the tumor grows and put pressure inside the skull which can damage the brain and lead to life-threatening problems. Brain tumors are generally categorized as primary or secondary. Primary brain tumor originates in the brain whereas secondary brain tumor occurs when the cancer cells spread to the brains and other organs.

Types of Brain Tumor

Types of Benign Brain Tumors

Chordoma: - Chordoma is benign tumors with slow growth. This tumour is most prevalent in people between the ages of 50 to 60. The tumor normally arises at the base of the skull and the lower portion of the spine.

Pineocytomas: - Pineocytomas are benign tumor which arises from the pineal cells.

Gangliocytomas: - These are the rare kind of tumor which includes neoplastic nerve cells that are relatively well-differentiated.

Craniopharyngiomas: - Craniopharyngiomas are benign in nature and are difficult to remove because of their location near critical structures deep in the brain. These tumor arise from the portion of the pituitary gland.

Glomus Jugulare Tumors: - These tumor are located just under the base of the skull at the top of the vein. 

Schwannomas: - Schwannomas tumor is very common in adults. These tumor arise along nerves which are comprised of cells that normally provide electrical insulation for the nerve cells.

Meningiomas: - Meningiomas are the most common benign intracranial tumors which originate from the meninges which are the membrane-like structures that surround the brain and spinal cord.

Pituitary Adenomas: - These are the most common intracranial tumors after, meningiomas Schwannomas and gliomas.

Types of Brain Tumor

Types of Malignant Brain Tumors

Gliomas arise from the supporting cells of the brain called glia. These cells are subdivided into astrocytes, ependymal cells and oligodendroglia cells.

Oligodendrogliomas: - Oligodendrogliomas originates from the cells that make myelin.

Ependymomas: - These tumors are derived from a neoplastic transformation of the ependymal cells lining the ventricular system.

Glioblastoma multiform (GBM):- This a type of invasive glial tumor which tends to grow rapidly and spreads to other tissues.

Astrocytomas: - Astrocytomas are the most common type of gliomas which occur in many parts of the brain, but most commonly in the cerebrum.

Medulloblastomas: - These tumor usually arise in the cerebellum, mostly in children. Medulloblastomas are usually responsive to radiation and chemotherapy.

Treatment for Brain Tumor

Treatment for a brain tumor depends on the type of the tumor the patient has. Brain tumor treatment comprises of surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy which can be given alone or in various combination.

Surgery: - Surgery is usually the main treatment for benign brain tumours. The surgery is performed with an aim to remove as much as tumor as possible without damaging the surrounding tissues of the brain.  To perform this surgery the patient's scalp is shaved and a section of the skull is cut out which reveals the brain and tumour underneath. The surgeon can remove the tumour and secure the flap of the skull back in the place with the help of metal screws. In case if the entire tumor is not removed chemotherapy or radiotherapy is recommended.

Radiosurgery: - Radiosurgery is for tumors which are situated deep inside the brain and are difficult to remove without damaging surrounding tissues in such cases stereotactic radiosurgery is performed. While performing radiosurgery, several beams of high-energy radiation are given to kill the abnormal cells.

Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy: - Chemotherapy and conventional radiotherapy are used to shrink the benign tumour or to kill any cancer cells that are left behind after surgery. Chemotherapy uses medication to kill tumour cells which are given in a form of injection or tablet. Radiotherapy involves giving high-energy radiation with the help of X-rays.

Affordable Treatment for Brain Tumor in India

Brain tumor treatment cost in India is available at the most affordable costs. Brain tumor surgery success rate in India is very high which has attracted many patients abroad. India has some of the best neurosurgeons and healthcare facilities. Healthcare facilities in India are fully-equipped with the most advanced and latest technology.

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