26 Nov 2015

Dangerous facts about Caffeine‬‬

Caffeine is found in all daily beverages such as tea, coffee, Guarana, mate, cola and other products. When this substance is used in a perfect quantity, then it is considered as healthy and safe for the body otherwise inappropriate measures hamper physical health & cause side effects.

Oral intake of caffeine and that too in high doses is considered as dangerous.
Excess caffeine can POSSIBLY cause:

·         Insomnia
·         Nervousness
·         Restlessness
·         Stomach irritation
·         Nausea
·         Vomiting
·         Increased heart rate
·         Respiration problems
·         Other side effects

It is proved that the caffeine worsens sleep disorders in AIDS patients. If taken in greater doses may lead to headache, nervousness, agitation, chest pain and ringing in the ears. It may cause irregular heartbeats and high doses may lead to even death.

For pregnant or breast feeding women the intake amount should be 200mg or less which is 2 cups of coffee at max, everyday. This substance might increase the chance of miscarriage and other problems if the doses are high. During breast feeding, a woman has to make sure that the dose is low. Otherwise it may cause irritability, disturbed bowel activity and sleep disturbance in an infant. 

Caffeine can make anxiety disorders so one has to use it carefully. An increased dose makes bipolar disorder worse and the patient may have to face severe outcome. Having it makes you feel more awake and less tired which may give headache later.  The symptoms associated with Epilepsy get worse. The caffeine may cause acid reflux or heartburn and upset stomach. As a diuretic substance, it may cause the body to get rid of excess water. In certain cases, it may aggravate bleeding disorders. 

Caffeine affects the respiratory system by increasing blood pressure for a short time. Though, this effect might be less in people who use caffeine often. It causes rapid heartbeats and trouble in breathing. In rare cases, convulsions may cause death.  It may limit absorption and metabolism of calcium, which contributes to bone thinning condition called osteoporosis. 

Diabetes one of the deadliest disease may get worse due to caffeine. The diabetics should use caffeine beverages with caution. Caffeine when taken in high amounts, may cause and worsen diarrhea.
This substance is known to increase the pressure inside the eye, which may lead to glaucoma. The duration of pressure occurs within half an hour and lasts for 2 hours after having caffeinated beverages.

Caffeine-One substance and too many side effects. This substance is bland, has no nutritional value, but may affect mood and cause physical side effects. However, if caffeine is consumed in right proportion up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, then it is healthy but varies person to person. Before purchasing any beverage or food check the content and caffeine levels. If an individual consumes the same amount of caffeine everyday, then he/she may develop caffeine intolerance. Later this level is affected by the person’s age, any health conditions and body mass. Remember that caffeine can also interact with certain medicines causing some serious alterations in the body symptoms. FDA has approved  500-600 mg a day, which is 7 cups of coffee everyday which is too much. If you are addicted to coffee then try using small size mugs. This will help to control caffeine level. 

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