21 Oct 2015

Bipolar Disorder In Teens

Bipolar disorder is a condition when a person experiences extreme and unusual mood swings unknowingly between major depression and extreme elation. These swings can be quick/slow/ mild or extreme. The condition affects individuals in the age group of 15-30 and is more common in those who have a family history of this condition. Some 60% of teenagers who have the adolescent onset bipolar disorder also have Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The teen may experience shorter swings can last for a few hours to many days. But in adults, it lasts for months with little or no break period between the cycles.  Some teens may get addicted to drugs or alcohol for temporary relief. But it is proved that these substances worsen the condition. It is difficult to diagnose and treat bipolar disorder.
Lets have a look at the symptoms of Bipolar disorder:

·         1. Mania
·         2. Hypomania
·     3. Depression

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is classified into two types, bipolar I and bipolar II. Bipolar I persists throughout the person's life.There are extreme mood swings between the states of depression and intense mania. The teen may be very happy, active and very talkative without sleeping for days. He/she may experience hallucinations, delusions, paranoid rage or psychosis.

Bipolar II is linked with high achievers in which a teenager may experience hypomania, depression, but a lesser form of elation. Some may have grandiose mood and sleepless days. In hypomania there is an unbelievable energy, charm, and productivity in the teens.
The symptoms of mania are like increased energy levels, hastening speech and thoughts, sleepless days, elevated mood swing, increased physical activity, irritability, aggressiveness, lack of patience, hypersexuality, excessive spending, making rash decisions, erratic driving, difficulty concentrating and hyperbolic sense of self-importance.

The symptoms of hypomania are ebullientelated mood, increased productivity and confidence, sleepless days, increased energy & libido, daringness and rash behavior.
The symptoms of depression are loss of interest, prolonged irritable mood, fatigue, too much sleep, guilt feeling, inability to concentrate, inability to experience pleasure, overeating or loss of appetite, worry, anxiety, anger and thoughts of suicide.

If BPD is left untreated it has the highest rate of recurrence. The treatment includes medicines which depends upon the type and severity of bipolar disorder. Lithium carbonate, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and benzodiazepines are given to stabilize mania / hypomania symptoms. Doctors may give Lithium and lamotrigine for depression. Psychotherapy helps in coping up with the mood changes and illness.

If you or any of your loved ones have these symptoms,it is advisable to promptly visit a psychiatrist for consultation and treatment. A psychiatrist or bipolar disorder specialist will perfectly diagnose the condition and prescribe appropriate treatment.

IndianMedTrip offer affordable preventive health check-up packages in India to diagnose and treat bipolar disorder.

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