16 Oct 2015

12 Common Eye-Disease Among Children

Pediatric Eye Ailment

Routine screening eye examination is part of a pediatrician’s general physical given to very young children. During this test he checks for proper eye alignment, problems on outside of eye and pupil reactions to changes in light & darkness which is clinically known as Pupillary Light Reflux. S/he will also check for quality of red reflex from pupil where abnormality can often be a sign of problems in structures of the eye like cataracts, high errors in refraction and/or even tumors. Children are usually referred to pediatric ophthalmologist when any problem is found during examination. This can be done at any age when the parents desire.

Vision Screenings Protocol for Children

Vision screenings using vision charts determine how well children can see form & details of objects. Normally performed between age 3 – 5 years, distance visual acuity is tested using letters, pictures and/or the tumbling E game. Additional components of visual system health can be screened through ocular alignment & motility to detect strabismus & 3-dimentional vision to assess binocular vision. These screenings represent some of the most effective techniques utilized for detecting eye problems in children. Children with family history of significant childhood eye problems like strabismus should be carefully examined early in life for presence of similar conditions. Screening evaluations are completed by pediatricians, but detailed examination is best performed by pediatric ophthalmologists.

Common Eye Conditions among Children

There are several eye diseases & conditions affecting child vision. Some common focus & alignment eye diseases & disorders are listed here. Early diagnosis & treatment are of critical importance in maintaining child eye health.

  1. Amblyopia – Also known as ‘Lazy Eye’, it is reduced vision in eye resulting from strabismus, refractive error or pediatric cataract. Amblyopia responds well to treatment if recognized early. It is more difficult to treat after 9 – 10 years of age, & may even lead to permanent vision loss. Treatments include patching, eye drops, glasses & surgery at times.

  2. Astigmatism – This is a condition when both near & distant objects appear blurred. Resulting from uneven curvature of cornea and/or lens preventing light rays entering eye, astigmatism can occur with hyperopia or myopia.

  3. Childhood Tearing – Excessive tearing is medically termed Epiphora. Pediatric epiphora can be noted after birth or acquired later. Usually due to blockage of tear drainage it often improves spontaneously by 6 – 12 months of age. Treatments include eye drops & tear sac massage, but surgical probing of drainage system may be required in persistent tearing. Pediatric glaucoma & ocular surface disease can also be cause of childhood tearing.

  4.Developmental Abnormalities – Occurring during development of fetus, developmental abnormalities include microphthalmia, coloboma & optic nerve hypoplasia.

  5. Double Vision – Also known as Diplopia, it is caused by largely caused by strabismus. Other underlying causes should be evaluated while treatments include surgery, Botox injection and prism glasses.

  6. Hyperopia – Or farsightedness, this condition results when light rays do not focus properly. Hyperopia can also be inherited & if not recognized early can result in permanent visual loss.

  7. Myopia – Or nearsightedness can result in ‘Lazy Eye’ among children.

  8. Pediatric Cataract – Cloudiness or opacity of clear lens of eye can occur at birth or during early childhood. Treatment of cataracts is critical in infants and young children. They also require surgery as they significantly obstruct vision. check how cataract is treated

  9.  Pediatric Glaucoma – This condition is associated with high pressure within eye. Although rare it can damage optic nerve & result in permanent vision loss. Signs & symptoms include redness of eye, light sensitivity, frequent blinking, tearing & cloudy cornea.

  10. Pediatric Ptosis – Or drooping upper eyelid occurs in both children & adults. Caused by weakness in muscles which elevate eyelid, children may often develop chin-up head position due to ptosis. Surgical correction may also be necessary in many cases.

  11. Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) – Resulting from abnormal development of blood vessels in retina, this eye disease occurs in some premature infants. This is a progressive condition which often spontaneously improves, but some cases develop severe changes which require treatment with laser.

  12. Strabismus – Commonly understood as misalignment of eyes, it includes conditions like Esotropia, Exotropia, Hypertropia & Hypotropia. Strabismus can occur in newborns, during childhood or adulthood & can result in Amblyopia or Diplopia. Treatments include eye-patching, Botox injection, eyeglasses, prisms & surgery.

Affordable Pediatric Eye Treatments in India With IndianMedTrip

Ophthalmology treatments in India including surgery are at par with the best procedures you could get anywhere else in the world. Pediatric ophthalmologists here are some of the best and most reputed in the world. Moreover, cost of eye treatments in India including surgery is affordable and available for the most complex procedures. IndianMedTrip is associated with the best eye hospitals in the country and offers high quality treatments for a variety of pediatric eye ailments at reasonable costs.
Enquire us at info@indianmedtrip.com

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