4 Feb 2016

Give A Tough Fight To Cancer This World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day is marked on 4th February every year to raise awareness about cancer and to encourage patients and non-patients about its prevention, detection, and treatment. World Cancer Day was initiated in 2000 at the 1st World Summit Against Cancer, held in Paris. World Cancer Day is observed each year to raise awareness and educate people about cancer, thus aiming to save millions of preventable deaths and also pressing the governments and individuals across the globe to take action against the disease.  While there have been immense advancement in the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer—issues that should add to the decline of the disease, contrarily the figures of new cancer cases diagnosed each year has continued to increase globally.

World Cancer Day is an important date in the calendar. Highly involved organizations and individuals are encouraged to use the day for an intensive ‘advocacy push’, calling on different governments to live up to these new and ambitious pledges, and ensure that cancer prevention measures, are effectively addressed and implemented in the next phase of the global health and development agendas.

Importance of World Cancer Day

Globally, cancer epidemic is huge and rising with each year. Presently, 8.2 million people die from cancer worldwide every year, amongst them, 4 million people die ahead of time (aged 30 to 69 years). Crucial action needs to be taken to raise awareness about the disease and to develop practical strategies that address the cancer problem. Globally, all individuals do not have the knowledge or the means mostly in the access to prevention through proper diagnosis, treatment and comforting care. At the moment, there is a need for a global pledge to help drive improvements in policy and encourage execution of comprehensive National Cancer Control Plans. World Cancer Day is the ideal chance to spread the word and raise the profile of cancer in people’s minds and in the world media.

On a global front, communities organize festivals, seminars, walks, general awareness campaigns and other events to raise consciousness and educate people on how to fight cancer through screening and early detection, healthy eating habits and regular physical activity, by quitting smoking, and by urging public officials to make cancer issues a priority.

Cancer - A life-threatening Disease

In brief, cancer is a group of diverse ailments involving irregular cell growth. In malignancy, cells divide and grow nonstop to form malignant tumors and attack nearby organs or parts of the body. The cancer tumor can spread to more distant parts of the body through blood or lymph nodes. It has been perceived that most of the cancer cases and related deaths happen in less developed countries and the situation is expected to get worse by 2030. Therefore, it is very essential to get control over such fatal medical condition across the globe.

Role of World Cancer Day in preventing Cancer

WCD targets to save millions of preventable deaths every year by raising awareness and by teaching people about malignancy and to take action against the disease. World Cancer Day is a chance to reflect on what you can do, make a pledge and take appropriate action and make a difference to fight against Cancer. It is a unique opportunity to raise awareness that there is so much that can be done at an individual, community and governmental level, to draft and implement these solutions and catalyze positive change. This day is also celebrated to plan certain new strategies and to suggest various new programs in order to make people aware of this illness. WCD is celebrated to make people aware about the preventive ways and means and the risk factors of cancer.

Early detection raises the chances of complete cure and survival. But unfortunately, it is often detected in very advanced stage this greatly reduces the patients chances of cure or survival. The cancer patients need moral support and understanding as much as the various treatments and therapies. Therefore, it is very important to make them feel better like a normal person. They should be also prepared for a normal environment in their home and society. It is essential that normal people avoid being overly sympathetic to them.

Some of the past campaigns were focused more on awareness and making people understand that living with Cancer patients or being a Cancer patient is not scary.

·         World Cancer Day 2013: ‘Cancer - Did you know’
·         World Cancer Day 2014: ‘Debunk the Myths’
·         World Cancer Day 2015: ‘Not Beyond Us’
·         World Cancer Day 2016-2018: ‘We can. I can.’

About IndianMedTrip – India’s leading Medical Tourism Company

IndianMedTrip is a trustworthy Medical Tourism Consultant in India that excels in providing medical services to medical tourists globally. Being a healthcare partner for some of the best medical services & Treatments, IndianMedTrip has been maintaining the benchmark of excellent patient care services. Every patient requires to be treated as special and healthy communication plays a key role in understanding the patient’s needs and accordingly attending to them in the best manner possible. IndianMedTrip believes in creating a comfortable and happy environment for all medical travelers. IndianMedTrip consultants help you to get the best Medical packages on discounted rates that include detailed consultation with the doctor, hospital and surgery plan, cost plan and associated tourism (if desired). We are involved in offering all kinds of Cancer Treatments to patients. 

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