25 Jan 2016

Different Types Of Dental Implants

Dental Implants in India

Dental implants act as a replacement for the original tooth roots. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth that are designed to match your natural teeth. Dental implants have proven to be an exceptional and effective long-term possibility to replace a broken or missing teeth.These implants are artificial ‘roots’, which are typically made of titanium,placed into the upper or lower jaw bone inside the mouth acting like an anchor for the replaced teeth. They are also used to support other dental prostheses such as bridges, crowns, or dentures. Dental Implants are an excellent solution for tooth loss due to any injury.

To receive the new implants, you need to have healthy gums, mouth and sufficient bone to support the implant. Remember, a patient must also take care of the implants by keeping them clean and healthy all the time. Careful oral hygiene and consistent dental follow-ups are necessaryfor long-term success of dental implants.

Types of Dental Implants Procedures performed in India

There are various types of dental implant procedures available. Each type of procedure is designed specifically to support a certain functions but rely upon titanium fixtures implanted into the jawbone. Most of thesedental implants are made up of titanium metal, which is capableofintegrating with the living bone and this is called as Osseointegration. Depending upon the surgical procedure, dental implants are classified as below:

Subperiosteal Dental Implants

This type of Dental implant is suggestedfor patients who have extremely inadequate bone material in the jaw. In this situation, the jaw bone is considered ‘attrited’ which means the jawbone does not have sufficient height or width to support root and plate form implants. This is the case where subperiosteal dental implants are used. The two methods used undersubperiosteal dental implants are Single Surgery Method and Dual Surgery Method.

Root Form Implants

Root form implants are designed exactly as same as the shape and size of the original tooth root. It is the most common type of implant method and is used when your jaw bone has depth and width. If your jawbone is slim and lacks enough space, you may alsorequire to undergo a bone grafting procedure to enlarge them.

Plate Form Implants

In patients having narrow jawbone that does not allow bone grafting, a Plate Form Implant is recommended. The advantage of a Plate Form Implant is that it is manufactured long and has a flat shape for a perfect fit into a narrow jawbone.

Single Tooth Implants

Single tooth implants are typically used in people having one or more than one tooth missing. The implant is placed in the jaw bone through a surgical procedure. After the implant is attached to the jawbone, it does the function of a new root for the crown that will replacethe original tooth. A crownis similar to the natural tooth and is attached to the implant and fills the remaining gap in the mouth.

Dental Implant Surgery in India with IndianMedTrip

Choosing a dentist and a good dental hospital can be a difficult task but if you select a destination that is logistically-viable for your dental surgery, then you can surely save your travel costs and time. IndianMedTrip is associated with numerous multi-specialty hospitals and reputed clinics which are experienced in dental Implants. Experts at IndianMedTrip will also assist you with connecting with the best trained surgeons in Dental Implant  Surgery in India by offering you the best packages along with the lowest costs and at the best hospitals in all major cities of India.

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