8 Dec 2016

5 Things You Must Know About Cervical Disc Replacement

Not all patients who tolerate pain in the cervical spine and back need surgery. In fact, most of the patients can relieve the symptoms through non-surgical therapies like exercise, physiotherapy, chiropractic and medication.
Nevertheless, in some cases, it is imperative to go through a cervical disc replacement surgery. An artificial disc is outlined to maintain the movement and flexibility from the moment a degenerated disc is separated from the cervical spine.

1. What is Cervical Disc Replacement?

 The newest innovation in the surgical management of cervical radiculopathy or myelopathy is cervical disc replacement, a surgical process that involves the separation of a distorted or degenerated cervical disc and restoring it to an artificial disc device. Cervical disc replacement, apart from that known as total disc arthroplasty, has been given FDA consent in the management of symptomatic disc disease.

2. What kinds of health conditions are repaired with a cervical artificial disc replacement?

The artificial cervical disc normally repairs degenerated discs or herniated discs in the cervical spine. Quite a lot of patients with these types of herniated discs will tolerate some compression on the nerve root or spinal cord and also some cervical pain linked to the degenerated disc. The specialized doctor will advise the appropriate treatment regarding each unique case.

3. Who is an Ideal Candidate for Cervical Disc Replacement?

Any patient with indicating cervical disc disease who fails to improve with conventional healing modalities is an ideal candidate for cervical disc replacement. In the United States, disc replacement is recommended for single cervical level and should stay away from if there is an adjoining previous cervical fusion. There a few devices approved in the USA for multilevel cervical disc replacement, though in Europe multilevel cervical disc replacement surgery is commonly done and sanctioned.

4. Which material is used to make the artificial disc?

The artificial disc is made from various types of materials, including a mixture of polyurethane, cobalt chromium, and medical-grade titanium. The transplant made with these materials have been handled in a safe manner respecting specific and relevant guidelines for several years.

5. How do you transplant an artificial disc? Is the cervical spine operation a known technique?

The artificial disc is implanted through an incision made on the front side of the neck which enables direct access to the space of the disc. It is a routine process. This same insertion procedure is used to perform a cervical disc herniation procedure.

Cervical Disc Replacement Cost

Tariff difference is very huge which goes from 70 – 80% less as compared to treatments done in the USA and other developed countries. If a patient decides to get low-cost cervical disc replacement surgery in India, they will have a huge amount of cost savings. The cost estimate includes staying in a private room for a particular count of days where a family member or companion can also stay with the patient, fees of a doctor, nursing care, consumables, medicines and food for the patient. Anyhow, the price may vary depending upon the medical state of the patient and the surgeon as well.

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