13 Dec 2016

Breast Cancer in Men Is For Real: Recognize the Symptoms of Male Breast Cancer

Although breast cancer is more commonly detected in women, it can indeed influence men. Men may need treatment for breast cancer in Baltimore because of risk factors like radiation exposure to the chest portion, elevated estrogen levels, and a family history of breast cancer. It is important for men to be aware of the possible symptoms of breast cancer and to pursue medical attention promptly if need be. The prognosis, treatments, and indications of breast cancer in men are similar to the condition in women.


As with breast cancer in women, men may notice a painful knot or a thickened portion in a breast. A lump may also grow elsewhere in the chest or the underarm portion. These lumps are not painful. Some of them may be sensitive to touch.

Breast Changes

Men may need to consider options for breast cancer treatment in men if they observe unusual changes in their breasts. The breast may change in shape or size, for example. Usually, these changes occur to just one breast; sometimes, the condition is bilateral. Moreover, the nipple or other parts of the breast may become inverted, or drawn inward. It is less common for men to experience nipple discharge.

Skin Changes   

Men should be on the lookout for any unusual skin variations in the chest portion. Breast cancer can make the skin to become reddish, and it may make the skin take on a dimpled appearance. Several describe the dimpling as being similar to the kind of an orange. Moreover, men may observe the emergence of a sore or a rash on the nipple, which may become itchy and sore.

Advanced Symptoms

It is always preferable for cancer to be diagnosed as early as possible when there is the best chance of healing and less invasive treatments. Anyhow, sometimes breast cancer is not detected until it has already metastasized, or reached to other parts of the body. When this happens, additional indications can develop. Men may undergo bone pain if cancer reaches to the bones, for example. Generalized weakness, malaise, and weight loss are common in patients with improved types of cancer. Moreover, cancer may reach to other organs, which causes further symptoms.
Contact IndianMedTrip for the Best Priced Treatments for Breast Cancer: info@indianmedtrip.com

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