4 Aug 2016

Does a Pituitary Tumor shorten Life Expectancy?

Pituitary Tumor – How and why does it develop?

Pituitary Tumor

Pituitary tumors (adenomas) are one of the most common forms of tumors found developing in the body. Although the exact cause for the development of a pituitary tumor is unknown, in some cases genetics and certain environmental factors have been suspected to cause a tumor to grow in the pituitary gland.

Pituitary Tumors – Are they Cancerous?

In almost all cases, the pituitary tumors are found to be non-cancerous (benign) in nature. Although the tumor might be benign it might still cause various complications because of its growing size, such as:
  •          Loss of vision
  •          Abnormal pituitary functions (Hypopituitarism)
  •          Headache

Pituitary Tumors – How are they Treated?

Pituitary tumors can be treated using several different methods however the exact type of treatment method for treating the particular pituitary tumor will depend on:

·         Type of Pituitary Tumor – Hormone-secreting pituitary tumors are mostly treated successfully using medications, which are able to reduce the size of the pituitary tumor as well as regulate the level of Prolactin in the body.

·         Size of Pituitary Tumor – In case the pituitary tumor is smaller in size (less than 10 mm) then the treatment method mainly used in medication and these are mostly successful in shrinking the size of the tumor and also for normalizing the level of Prolactin in the body. In case the [pituitary tumor is comparatively larger in size then the doctor will usually suggest a surgical treatment method which will not only remove the tumor but also relieve the pressure being caused on the other surrounding tissues and organs.

Does a Pituitary Tumor shorten Life Expectancy?

The life expectancy of a person is not affected by the development of a pituitary tumor normally, if the patient receives adequate and effective treatment on time.
Hormone replacement therapy is known to help control and regulate the levels of hormones in the body after a pituitary tumor removal procedure is performed. Regular monitoring of the pituitary gland and the level of hormones in the body after a pituitary tumor treatment is advised through regular appointments with the physician/doctor. Steroid medications are also advised after the treatment for pituitary tumors to help regulate the level of cortisol in the body.
If the patient follows the instructions and rules advised by the doctor/surgeon prior to the surgery about the after-care then the patient can expect to live a long and happy life free from any risk and fear of complications arising due to the tumor in the future.

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