20 Nov 2015

Important Tips to follow after a major surgery

Fast and complete healing from stitches depends on the type of surgery. The nearby tissues and organs are also affected if it’s an open or traditional surgery. The list of major surgeries can be cardiac, hip replacement, knee replacement, gastroenterology, eye operation, hysterectomy, nephrectomy or any organ transplant surgery. Relatively, the large incisions take more time to heal. After a major operation, you will be kept under doctor’s supervision for a few days. Later he might tell you to consume lots of fluids and follow proper medicines & exercises. There are chances you might vomit or feel nauseated. Talk to the doctor, he might change the medicine or alter its dose. Pain is the biggest concern. Inflammation from the surgery causes pain. Often opioids are prescribed by the doctor. Taking pain reliever medicine on time will help. In a few cases, a pain pump is helpful to get rid of pain. Remember that, most of the pain killers too have side effects, therefore it is necessary to talk to the doctor before taking these medicines. Doctor also prescribes antibiotics to keep away the infection, follow the dosage properly mentioned on the bottle. If there are side effects due the medicine contact doctor immediately, he will advise you another medicine or dosage. The nurse would train you on certain breathing exercises, mild exercises and even on proper coughing technique. The nurses will instruct you on the incision-care at home. 

Incision care at home:

At home you must follow the list of instructions as mentioned by the doctor and the nurse. Ask for any nursing care or doctor visit if you need any medical aid.
The home-care for incision includes:
1.       Avoid incisions getting wet. Protect it with a plastic cover or a shower cap while bathing.
2.       In later stages, use plain water and soap to clean the specific incision site.
3.      Avoid rubbing of clothes on the incision area, it may get worse.
4.      Change the surgical dressing if you can, or visit the doctor’s clinic for it.
5.      Apply prescribed anti bacterial or anti fungal powder on the incision site. 

Managing scar:

To minimize the scar appearance, keep the skin damp and guard it from the sun. Apply best skin lightening or Vaseline to keep it hydrated. The good sunscreen product protects the scar from sun’s UV light, as the new regenerated tissue has no pigmentation and sun may cause damage and permanent discoloration. Only the silicon sheets and adhesive tapes are the clinically proven best scar treatments. To control an itch around the incision, make use of a good anti-itch cream for a great relief. Remember, it is not an infection but a natural skin healing process.


Post-surgery, you may feel constipated consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and fiber. The fiber combat constipation by acting as a laxative and stimulant. The nutritional content is very high in fresh fruits & vegetables, they activate and naturally cleanse the gut. Add probiotics to your diet if there is liver or intestinal surgery because it keeps away the infection caused due to foreign bacteria that were immigrated during or after the surgery.

For healthy muscle build up, add some lean protein in your diet. Eggs, fish, chicken, and turkey are the rich protein sources those who prefer non-veg. Vegans can consume various beans, nuts, quinoa and green leafy vegetables.


Call emergency services if:

·         You are feeling dizzy or very weak
·         There is a severe difficulty in breathing
·         Unbearable pain
·         Pulmonary embolism, which is shortness of breath with a rapid heartbeat
·         Swelling in the leg may be due to deep vein thrombosis
·         Severe Nausea and vomiting
·         Pain not going away despite pain medication
·         Fever more than 1010 F
·         Difficult bowel movement or difficulty in passing urine
·         The surgical wound is open
·         Pus drain from a wound
·         A rash around incision site

What to avoid?

·         Do not lift any heavy object
·         Avoid heavy work like cleaning the house
·         Avoid carrying or pushing heavy loads for the first 2 months
·         Avoid sitting and standing for longer periods
·         Don’t stand still for longer duration. Move or walk around to prevent blood clot formation in the legs.

For more details regarding health-check ups and other details  please visit http://indianmedtrip.com or email us at info@indianmedtrip.com

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