28 Jul 2016

What to Expect After Pituitary Tumor Surgery

What is Pituitary Tumor?
A pituitary tumour is an abnormal growth in the pituitary gland.  Pituitary is a small gland at the base of the brain which regulates the body's balance of hormones. Some pituitary tumour results in too many hormones and can cause the pituitary gland to produce lower levels of hormones. Most pituitary tumours are benign. Adenomas remain in the pituitary gland or surrounding tissues and do not spread to other parts of the body. Cancerous pituitary tumours are extremely rare. There are various options for treating pituitary tumours which can be done by removing the tumour, controlling the growth of the tumour and managing the hormonal levels with the help of medicines.  

What Causes Pituitary Tumor?
The exact cause of the uncontrolled cell growth in the pituitary gland is still unknown. The pituitary gland is a small bean-shaped gland which is located between the nose and the ears. Despite its small size, the gland influences nearly every part of the body. The hormones which are created by the pituitary gland helps in regulating some of the most important functions of the body such as growth, blood pressure and reproduction. Very few percent of pituitary tumour cases runs in families. Still many scientists suspect that genetic alterations play an important role in how pituitary tumours develop.

Treatment for Pituitary Tumor
Treatment for pituitary tumor depends on the size of the tumour and the spread of the tumour. As there is no staging system in pituitary tumor the doctors determine whether the tumor is:-
        Microadenoma which is less than 10mm.
        Macroadenoma which is more than 10 mm.
        It the tumour produces hormones
        If the tumour has spread to other sites.
Surgery is performed to remove the tumour from the pituitary gland which is followed by radiation therapy. The radiation kills the microscopic cells which are left behind after the surgery. In some cases, drug therapy is also recommended to patients to shrink or destroy the tumour. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential as it can provide with much better results.

What to Expect After Pituitary Tumor Surgery
Post-surgery your heart rate, blood pressure and respiration are monitored. After pituitary tumour surgery you can experience:-

Nausea: - Feeling nausea is very common after the surgery which usually goes away with time. 

Headaches: - After the surgery, you may experience headaches which are also very common. 

You can feel very thirsty and pass lots of urine: - Sometimes pituitary surgery can affect your ability to retain water. This problem usually settles downs after few days or in case if doesn’t then you need a hormone treatment for it.

Leaking clear fluid from your nose or throat: - Leaking of clear fluid which is salt like dripping down from the throat or from the nose can be a leak of cerebrospinal fluid which can lead to serious complications. 

Changes in taste or smell: - After surgery, you may experience changes in your sense of taste or smell. These changes are quite common after the surgery which recovers with time.

Loss of Vision: - If you experience vision deteriorates immediately seek medical advice from the doctors as it can also lead to serious problems.

Pituitary Tumor Surgery in India
India is known for providing best medical treatment at the most affordable costs. India has some of the best hospitals and doctors. Pituitary tumor surgery cost in India is available at the most affordable costs. Patients from different countries come to India and avail the medical facilities at the most affordable costs.
If you are willing to undergo treatment for pituitary tumor at affordable costs then IndianMedTrip is the place for you. IndianMedTrip is a widely recognised medical tourism company in India providing patients with a best medical treatment at the most affordable costs. IndianMedTrip has a wide network of association with the top most surgeons and healthcare facilities in India. Patients every need is taken care of right from their arrival till departure. IndianMedTrip is a one stop shop for all your medical needs.

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