5 Jun 2016

National Cancer Survivors Day - June 5, 2016

Cancer can affect all of us in certain stages of our life which is why it is important to spread awareness about cancer in the society. According to research approximately, 39% of individuals in western countries are likely to be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. With the recent developments in the oncology research and advancement in the techniques, it has become much easier to detect and treat cancer in an early stage. 

National cancer survivor’s day is dedicated to individuals who have survived cancer. This day is celebrated worldwide on the first Sunday of June every year. In 2016, the first Sunday of June falls on the 5th of June; hence, National Cancer Survivor's Day 2016 is being celebrated on June 5This day honors millions of courageous individuals who have beaten cancer. On National cancer survivor’s day survivors and supporters from all around the world gather to celebrate National Cancer Survivors Day and raise awareness of the issues of cancer survivor-ship.

There are nearly 14.5 million people living with cancer and 32 million cancer survivors worldwide. Cancer survivors come together this day with an aim to raise awareness of the challenges these survivors face, and, most importantly, to celebrate life. Due to the awareness in recent years, the number of cancer survivors has increased dramatically.

The number of cancer survivors continues to grow with time which is why it is more important to address and spread awareness to the unique needs of these cancer survivors. Many individuals who are suffering from cancer face very limited access to health care facilities and lack of information about the latest technological advancements in the treatment for cancer. Cancer survivors or a cancer patient should be aware of the long-term effects of cancer which can also include ongoing physical side effects as well as potentially devastating financial setbacks. National cancer survivor’s day urges everyone to spread awareness about the life after cancer and that’s something to celebrate. An individual can still do more to lessen the burdens of cancer survivor-ship.

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