25 May 2016

Foods that Help with Faster Recovery after Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Surgery

Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) surgery includes reconstruction and/or repair of the ACL. The reconstruction surgery uses a graft to replace the ligament while the repair surgery is used in case of fracture.

Apart from physical therapy, the important aspect to focus on when it comes down to nourishment after ACL surgery is reducing the inflammation of the injured knee and enhancing the immune system at the same time.

Eating organic, wholesome food will yield optimum results and better healing after ACL surgery.  The following is a list of nutrients you must add in your diet:

Vitamin E: It helps reduce oxidative stress and pain of your knee, which is largely useful for greater muscular strength at the surgical site. Food items that are rich in vitamin E are wheat germ, tofu, spinach, almonds, sun flower seeds (preferably roasted), avocados, fish, olive oil and broccoli.

Vitamin C: The combination of Vitamin E and C works well, showing almost instant result in minimizing the inflammation and multiplies strength in your knee. Latest research has shown that greater leg strength after ACL surgery was associated with higher vitamin C levels. Citrus fruits, broccoli, bell peppers, cauliflower and berries are vitamin C enriched and may aid recovery.

Vitamin A: This assists the production of post –injury collagen, which is an essential protein found in the ACL, meniscus and other ligaments.  Vitamin A is found in sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, romaine lettuce, prunes, apricots, cantaloupe, red peppers and mango.

Zinc: Spinach, flax seed, nuts like almonds and pecans, seafood and chicken provide zinc which will help build a stronger immune system.

Flavonoids: Flavonoids help reduce soreness by providing protection against blood vessel rupture or leak, while also improving Vitamin C levels. Apples, blueberries, strawberries, black beans, tomatoes, onion and cabbage are rich in flavonoids.

Fiber: Fiber provides better fluid motion through your digestive system and optimizes benefits of all the above mentioned nutrients. Leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, raspberry, kidney beans, mushrooms, squash and celery will be highly beneficial.

Adding these food items to your diet post surgery will yield some excellent results.

Processed foods don’t really have a noticeable or lasting negative effect on your body but they also do not contribute to the healing either. Genetically Modified Organism’s (or GMOs) should be avoided too. The four – five month post operative period reduces activity and patients might even suffer from depression resulting from lack of exercise.

Weight gain is expected post surgery. This additional weight may strain your knee causing more damage to the wound site. Eating right helps maintain a normal body-weight and evade certain health complications. Diet has been known to have a lasting effect on your moods and overall well-being. Including more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet will help out in the long run. Eating low fat food that is, otherwise, rich in nutrients is highly recommended.


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