14 Jan 2016

Poor Knowledge About Disease Can Be More Dangerous

Basics about Diseases

Poor lifestyle adoptions, such as smoking, alcoholism, poor diet, and lack of physical activity along with inadequate relief of chronic stress are key contributors in the development and growth of inevitable chronic diseases, such as obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and various types of cancer and tumors. Although doctors inspire healthy behaviors that are necessary to prevent or manage several chronic health conditions, however many patients have poor knowledge about diseases or they are not prepared enough to go with the doctor’s advice or develop healthy lifestyle changes. Most patients do understand the rationale behind a healthy lifestyle and good habits even if they don’t completely understand the type of the disease, the treatment procedure and the safety measures concerning it. Poor knowledge about a disease can affect their health and lead to chronic diseases if they don’t maintain healthy habits. There are patients who have a good understanding of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, but lack the behavioral skills required to apply in everyday life to sustain these good habits.

Though, healthy lifestyle adjustments are possible with appropriate medical mediations, which involve exercise training, nutritional counseling, and stress management methods to improve results for patients at risk and those who already suffer from common chronic diseases.

Medical researches show that adults suffering from common chronic conditions  who follow all the necessary instructions given by the doctor and who have good information about their disease experience significant, rapid, clinically meaningful and justifiable advances in biometric, laboratory and psychosocial outcomes.

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Poor Knowledge about Diseases can be dangerous

If you don’t have appropriate information about a particular diseases there are chances that you either may treat it correctly or may worsen the situation. Before taking any medicine and treatment on your own, do consult your family doctor and in case you don’t have a family doctor, go and consult a doctor in a local hospital nearby. People should have good and correct information about the diseases to prevent emergencies.

Health literacy is a new concept which involves the degree to which people have the capability to gather, understand, and use basic health information and services required to make appropriate medical care decisions regarding a particular disease.

The Concept Of Health Literacy Depends On Individual And General Factors:

  • Communication skills of common people and medical professionals
  • Common and medical professional’s knowledge about various health diseases.
  • Culture
  • Demands of the medical and public healthcare systems.
  • Demands of the health situation.

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Having A Good Knowledge About The Healthcare Systems Will Help Patients:

  • Understand the healthcare system in a particular region well.
  • Will help them to understand their disease well and discuss the same with their specialist.
  • Will help them to fill up complex medical forms and locating the local healthcare providers and medical facilities.
  • People can easily share personal medical information, such as health history, with the doctors.
  • Proper knowledge about the disease will help the patient in self-care and chronic-disease management.
  • It will also help them to understand mathematical concepts such as probability and risk about the disease they have been affected with.
IndianMedTrip Supports In Getting The Best Medical Care

India is the favorite destination for health & wellness tourism globally. The ultra-modern medical procedures, state-of-the-art medical facilities, internationally recognized hospitals, well-trained doctors, low cost treatments with complete wellness packages is the reason many international patients visit India. IndianMedTrip, a trusted provider of Medical Tourism in India excels in offering cost-effective healthcare services to medical tourists across the globe. IndianMedTrip deliver unmatched quality services for medical tourists and has all the necessary information about the particular disease, the doctor and the hospital. So you can be assured that you will get a best available treatment for your medical condition.

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