1 Oct 2015

Medical Causes of Obesity in Women

Obesity negatively impacts health of women in several ways. Being overweight largely increases relative risk of coronary artery disease & diabetes in women. Obese women have high risk of knee osteoarthritis & lower back pain while negatively impacting both fertility & contraception. Maternal obesity at the same time is linked with high percentage of cesarean section & high-risk obstetrical conditions like hypertension. Pregnancy outcomes are also negatively affected by maternal obesity including increased risk of malformations & neonatal mortality. Maternal obesity is closely associated with decreased intention to breastfeed alongside decreased initiation & for decreased durations. There also seems to be a close association between depression & obesity in women, though cultural factors may often influence this relation. However, fact remains that obese women beyond doubt are at higher risk for multiple cancers including cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer & breast cancer.

Obesity in Women

Medical Conditions Causing Obesity in Women
Usually a result of overeating, there is a small percentage of women whose excessive weight gain is a result of another disease.

Medical causes of obesity in women include –

·        1. Hypothyroidism – This is a condition when thyroid gland in women produces too little thyroid hormone. This hormone however regulates metabolism, so too little will eventually slow metabolism & cause weight gain. In case your doctor suspects thyroid disease as cause of your obesity, s/he will look forward to prescribe blood tests so as to check hormone levels.

·           2. Cushing’s Syndrome – This condition is a result of adrenal glands, located on top of each kidney, producing excessive amounts of steroid hormone known as cortisol. This will lead to building up of fat in characteristic sites like abdomen, upper back & face.

·     3. Depression – Most women in depression overeat & which in turn leads to obesity. Accumulated fat content in women is almost twice the amount found in men of the same age. Accompanied by low levels of physical activity in form of exercise or day-to-day activity also contribute to the obesity factor.

·        4. Medications – Certain medications, especially steroids & antidepressants, antipsychotics, seizure medications, oral contraceptives & high blood pressure drugs also increase body weight.

·     5. Genetic Factors – Inherited conditions & other diseases of the brain including body composition may also contribute to excessive weight gain & female obesity.

·       6. Body Changes – Changes in body structure due to age & socio-economic factors also contribute to obesity among women. Physical & mental changes during pregnancy, puberty or even menopause caused by hormonal alterations are also often found to lead to female obesity.

However, only a doctor can determine the underlying causes responsible for your obesity. Most of the times in addition to unhealthy diet weight is gained by intake of more calories than what the body actually needs. Obesity in women is a complex condition where numerous factors are found to influence. It would therefore require a thorough investigation by medical experts specializing on the subject so as to pinpoint exact cause & offer effective medical solution.

Affordable Obesity Treatments in India
Indian Med Trip offers excellent bariatric & obesity solutions to overcome problems associated with weight gain. Associated with the Top Bariatric surgeons & top healthcare facilities in the country, some of the best surgical procedures provided by Indian Med Trip consultants include restrictive & malabsorptive, open & laparoscopic surgeries like Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y Surgery, Adjustable Lap Band Surgery, Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy, Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch, Intragastric  Balloon & Gastric Bypass Revision surgeries. However, patients should be morbidly obese & over BMI 40 so as to undergo these procedures. Obesity treatment procedures are of high quality but affordably low cost in India when compared to similar procedures in other parts of the world.

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