22 Jun 2017

Undergo Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery in India

Brazilian butt lift is a highly popular cosmetic intervention which can be used to add significant volume to buttocks and improve its appearance. Cosmetic surgeons carefully take off fat from patient’s own body regions such as abdomen, legs, or arms, and transfer it to appropriate area of hips or buttocks to reshape it conveniently. Patients who desire a round lifted and firm bottom profile may opt for this procedure. This cosmetic surgery can address a variety of issues, including sagging and asymmetrical hips. In addition to this, Brazilian butt lift surgery is relatively safer than other similar treatment procedures like buttock augmentation or butt implant surgery.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Brazilian Butt Lift? 

The following category of patients is considered to be good candidates for undergoing a Brazilian butt lift surgery. 

Normal Body Weight - Any individual who wants to undergo a Brazilian butt lift procedure should have a normal body weight. Underweight patients are advised to gain proper amount to weight prior commencing the surgery to avoid risk of post-operative complications. 

No Chronic Illness - Patients who are struggling with any type of cardiovascular problem, lung disease, or any neurological issue is definitely not eligible to undergo a Brazilian butt lift. In some instances, cosmetic surgeons may allow and operate them under special medical supervision. 

Fine Skin Elasticity - Patients with a dangling or saggy skin condition are not considered to be suitable for undergoing this procedure. Patients must have a good skin elasticity to get better results following a Brazilian Butt lift surgery. 

Realistic Goals - Patients should thoroughly research about entire treatment procedure in detail. They must check ‘before and after’ pictures of patients who have undergone this type of butt lift surgery and understand the feasible results. Patients with unrealistic goals may not get satisfaction after completion of procedure. 

How to Prepare For Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery? 

Patients need to follow the given guidelines to obtain successful outcomes following a Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery. 

Quit Smoking - Smoking may interfere with patient’s ability to heal after completion of surgery. Therefore, patients must stop smoking prior 6 to 8 weeks of surgery. 

Consuming Prescribed Medications - Respective cosmetic surgeons may suggest some essential medications for helping patients stay in a good health condition. Patients should strictly consume prescribed dose of medicines. 

Stay Hygienic - Patients must maintain a good hygiene before undergoing this cosmetic surgery. 

Arranging A Caretaker In Advance - Patients will require a caretaker for some days to carry out basic self-care activities until they recover completely. 

What Results Will Be Seen Following Brazilian Butt Lift? 

Patients will experience a noticeable improvement in dimensions of buttocks following the surgery. They may have to face certain problems like swelling and bruising near the operated area. But these problems will resolve within a few days. Patients will need to follow all the instructions of doctors to help stabilize the treated area at a faster pace and acquire a full recovery. It may require up to 3 months for a smooth and successful recovery following the surgery. 

Why Plan Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery in India? 

Indian cosmetic surgeons are renowned for rendering best beneficial results following many types of cosmetic procedures including a Brazilian butt lift surgery. They are well-trained in handling even the most complicated cases. Furthermore, Brazilian butt lift surgery cost in India is half of the amount charged in other western countries like Australia and Norway. Therefore, patients may plan a Brazilian butt lift surgery in India due to these reasons. 

You can send your queries at: info@indianmedtrip.com  & https://indianmedtrip.com/contact-us/


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