24 Aug 2017

Why Undergo Electrocardiogram (ECG) Tests

An Electrocardiogram (ECG) also known as EKG is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. It is a simple, harmless, quick and painless test that records the heart’s rhythm on moving strip of line on a screen. 
Electrocardiogram Tests (ECG)

ECG Procedure

A total of 10-15 soft electrode stickers are attached to your chest, legs and arms with a gel by a technician. Machine records the heart’s electrical activity and then displays in the form of a graph.

Why ECG is Used?

The Doctor recommends to carry out ECG or EKG if you’re facing some heart related issues. ECG might show the following

● ECG shows the abnormal heart rhythms in the body.
● Detection of any stressed heart muscle is manifested by ECG.
● If cholesterol is hampering heart’s blood supply, it is shown in ECG.
● Enlargement of one side of heart is visible by this test.
● ECG detects the inflammation of heart’s lining.
● Irregular electrical pathways in the heart is shown in ECG.
● ECG checks the pounding or fluttering of heart.

Types of Electrocardiograms

Event Recorder - This one is similar to Holter Monitor which records your heart’s daily activity just when symptoms occur and require you to push a button if you feel the symptoms. Also information can be send to the doctor directly over the phone.

Holter Monitor - It is also known as 24 hour ECG, where you lead and carry a monitor while you go about your daily activities for 24 hours. A record of symptoms will be shown, if you suspect you may have a heart attack.

Stress Test - This type of ECG test is recorded while exercising on a treadmill. Areas of heart muscle that combats are checked when stressed.

Undergoing ECG test will help your doctor to determine the results of any blockages in your heart, enlarged heart, or any other heart ailments.

Comprehensive Cardiac Treatments in India

Indian hospitals are considered as a hub for Cardiac Treatments primarily on the basis of its cost. These hospitals have a clear-cut cost advantage of undergoing Cardiac Surgery in India due to its budgeted prices. Cardiac treatment in India is carried out with certified procedures, professional-qualified team of doctors and the cost comparatively low and affordable. Most common procedures like bypass surgery, angioplasty, valve replacements and CABG surgery are available in India as well. Cardiac treatment cost in India is economical by almost 50 - 80% of savings and will not burn your pockets.

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