11 Aug 2017

Common Problems Associated With Male Fertility

Nowadays, male infertility has become a major cause of distress amongst couples. It may restrict a couple to enjoy parenthood. Root cause that gives rise to infertility issues in men is still not confirmed. Various types of research and studies are being conducted to find it out. However, fertility specialists reveal that improper lifestyle, subnormal sperm production, emotional stress, hormonal imbalance, and undescended testicles are the major risk factors that can negatively affect fertility in men. Men who encounter problems such as decreased sex drive, swelling in testicles, and ejaculation problem during sexual intercourse should visit an experienced doctor for an early diagnosis and treatment.  

Male Fertility

General Problems Associated with Male Fertility

The given points describe the most common problems associated with male fertility.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) - Erectile dysfunction refers to a condition which disables men to enjoy a healthy sexual life. Men suffering from erectile dysfunction are not able to maintain or hold an erection during physical intercourse with their partner. This problem is most popularly known as ‘impotence’.

Premature Ejaculation - Possibility of pregnancy in female partner reduces significantly when male partner ejaculates shortly after vaginal penetration or even before vaginal penetration. Stress and other psychological problems may give rise to this medical problem in men.

Oligospermia - Fertility in men is directly proportional to sperm production in their body. Higher the sperm count, higher is the fertility. ‘Oligospermia’ is a clinical term that is used to indicate low sperm count in men. Low sperm count is the most common issue which leads to infertility in men.

Poor Sperm Motility or Morphology - Despite great sperm production, men may have to face the problem of infertility. Motility refers to shape or dimensions of sperm and morphology refers to its mobility to reach partner’s egg. Therefore, poor sperm motility or morphology may fuel up the chances of fertility issues in men.

Veins Enlargement in Scrotum - Veins enlargement in patient’s scrotum may negatively affect sperm production and create obstructions during fertilization process. This problem is medically called as ‘varicocele’. Prompt treatment is crucial to help patients retain their fertility. 

Key Advantages of Availing Male Infertility Treatment in India

India has become a renowned healthcare hub across the world due to availability of latest medical interventions, high-end equipment, and state-of-the-art technology. This country has a large range of super specialty health care centers that provide best male infertility treatments such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF) at cost-effective prices. Indian fertility specialists are immensely talented. Their dedication to excellence is reflected in the outcomes following infertility treatments. In addition to this, male infertility treatment cost in India is just a fraction of the total money which other developed nations generally demand. Therefore, international patients can totally rely on male infertility treatment in India and avail positive outcomes.

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