4 Aug 2017

Blood Cancer Types and Treatment Options

Blood cancers typically affect production and function of blood cells within the body. Most blood cancers begin in blood marrow where stem cells mature and develop into three main types of blood cells, the platelets, white blood cells and red blood cells. Typically, normal development process of blood cells are interrupted by uncontrolled growth of abnormal type of blood cells in blood cancer patients. Therefore, these blood cancer cells prevent blood from performing several functions including fighting infections or preventing serious bleeding. 

Blood Cancer Types & Treatment Options

Most Common Types of Blood Cancers

LeukemiaThis is a type of blood cancer which involves abnormal production of blood cells, like the white blood cells (leukocytes), within the patient’s blood or bone marrow.

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma This is a blood cancer which starts within the white blood cells that are part of the immune system of the patient. It is also known as Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma or NHL in short.

Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Also known as Hodgkin’s Disease (HD), this is a blood cancer which originated within the lymphatic system of the patient. White blood cells in this condition grow abnormally and spread beyond the lymphatic system as the disease progresses.

Multiple Myeloma This blood cancer forms within a type of white blood cell which is known as the plasma cell. Plasma cells typically help a person fight infections by producing antibodies which are capable of recognizing and attacking germs.

Treatment Options for Blood Cancers

Stem Cell Therapy – Also known as bone marrow transplant, stem cell therapy effectively replaces unhealthy cells with healthy stem cells. This is generally meant to allow doctors administer large doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy for eliminating blood cancer, following which stem cell therapy is performed for blood cancer patients.

Chemotherapy – Newer chemotherapy drugs and fresher uses of existing drugs have greatly improved cure or remission for blood cancer patients of all ages. Along with this, ‘targeted therapies’ and ‘risk-adapted therapies’ have also contributed in improving response rates and decreased side effects of drug therapies used in treating blood cancers.

Radiation Therapy – Also known as irradiation or radiotherapy, radiation therapy blood cancer treatments work by damaging the DNA within the cancer cells and thereby prevent them from growth and reproduction.

Blood Transfusion – This blood cancer treatment procedure uses cells which are received from healthy donors for replacing platelets, red blood cells and other blood components in blood cancer patients. However, periodic blood transfusions may be required for several reasons in some blood cancer patients.

Affordable Blood Cancer Treatment in India

Blood cancer treatment in India is an excellent idea for blood cancer patients from all parts of the world seeking good quality of affordable healthcare solutions beyond their homeland. Blood cancer treatment costs in India for leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma, including stem cell therapy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are very reasonable and in fact just a fraction of what patients may end up paying in developed countries across the world. Overseas blood cancer patients would normally save substantial amounts of their hard earned money by undergoing blood cancer treatment in India without having to compromise on the quality of treatment.  

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