3 Aug 2017

Affordable Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Tumors

Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary tumors is performed through the nose for removal of tumors located at the pituitary gland and skull base region. This is a minimally invasive approach where neurosurgeons and ENT specialists work together through nostrils with help of a tiny endoscopic camera and light along with special surgical instruments meant for removing pituitary adenomas.

Transsphenoidal Surgical Approach for Pituitary Adenomas

Pituitary Tumors

Neurosurgeons will make a small incision along the nasal septum in order to approach the pituitary tumor. The bony walls of the sphenoid sinus are opened with small surgical drills, chisels and other specialized instruments depending upon the thickness of sinus and bone. Using an endoscope generally eliminates the requirement of an incision under the upper lip during transsphenoidal surgery since the camera allows neurosurgeons to clearly see the operation site. Specialized instruments are passed through the nasal passage which open the sphenoid sinus in order to reach the pituitary gland. However, the transsphenoidal surgical approach technique is limited by the location of the pituitary tumor and the shape of the sphenoid sinus of the patient.

Advantages of Transsphenoidal Surgical Approach

There are several advantages to endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery for removal of pituitary tumors. While no part of the brain is touched during this operation, damage to surrounding tissue is limited to the minimum. Moreover, this operation does not leave any visible scars; but then it is difficult to remove large size tumors through this approach. However, cure rates are higher than 80 percent when the operation is performed by experienced neurosurgeons and the pituitary tumor is micro-adenoma. Chances of cure are however found to be lower in large pituitary tumors which have grown into nearby structures like nerves, brain tissue or dura.

Craniotomy for Large and More Complicated Pituitary Tumors

Craniotomy surgery may necessarily be required for large and more complicated types of pituitary tumors. This approach requires the neurosurgeons to make openings in front and side of the skull for operating on the tumor. Moreover, the neurosurgeon will have to carefully work beneath and between lobes of brain in order to reach the pituitary tumor. Even though craniotomy is more risky and poses a greater chance of injury to brain tissue, it is still preferred by neurosurgeons for operating upon large and complex pituitary tumors because they are better able to see and reach the operation site.

Good Quality of Pituitary Tumor Surgery in India at Reasonable Costs

Pituitary tumor surgery in India is an ideal opportunity for international patients seeking good quality of affordable neurosurgery in other countries across the world. Neurosurgeons in India are globally recognized as some of the best doctors who are adept at performing the most complicated operations. Moreover, pituitary tumor surgery cost is highly affordable and overseas patients will therefore also be able to save substantial amounts of money as well by undergoing neurosurgery procedures in India.

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