5 Jul 2017

Undergo Affordable Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment in India

Prostate gland is a part of the male reproductive system & is about the size of a walnut weighing just an ounce. Located in front of the bladder & in front of the rectum, prostate gland goes all the way around a tube which is known as the urethra. Function of urethra is to carry urine from bladder & out of the body through penis. Main function of the prostate gland is to make fluid for the semen & which during ejaculation mixes with the sperm to go through the urethra & out of the penis.

What is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)?  

Known as BPH in short, benign prostatic hyperplasia is an enlarged condition of the prostate gland. Prostate gland which goes through growth phases which continue during most part of a man’s life. Prostate may therefore get larger as people age. BPH most often occurs in men in the second growth phase of the gland. Subsequently, prostate gland squeezes down on urethra when enlarged & thereby causes the bladder wall to become thicker. This can result in weakening of the bladder which loses the ability to empty completely. Therefore, urinary retention is caused alongside narrowing of the urethra so as to cause problems which are usually associated with BPH. However, BPH is a noncancerous condition & is quite common as people age. But then in some cases BPH & prostate cancer can occur at the same time. 

Preventive Measures for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

The good news is that BPH can be managed with help of certain changes in lifestyle involving exercise, medication & diet.

·      Foods Which Help & Foods That Hurt – Consuming green tea & increasing intake of soy along with taking saw palmetto supplements can benefit healthy condition of prostate gland. Moreover, decreasing or avoiding intake of coffee, alcohol & other fluids, especially after dinner, are found to be helpful in easing symptoms of BPH.

·  Medications Can Sometimes Worsen Symptoms – Some medications like antihistamines & decongestants which are part of benign prostatic hyperplasia treatments are found to slow flow of urine in some men with BPH. Moreover, certain diuretics & antidepressants may also sometimes aggravate symptoms of BPH.

·     Kegel Exercises are Helpful – Kegel exercises which involve repeatedly tightening & releasing of pelvic muscle is very helpful in preventing leakage of urine. Doctors quite often recommend BPH patients to practice Kegel exercise while urinating in order to isolate the specific pelvic muscle. As part of the Kegel exercise, the BPH patient is required to contract the muscle until flow of urine decreases or completely stops & following which the muscle is to be released. This exercise is recommended to be repeated 3 – 5 times every day, with each session consisting of 5 – 15 contractions holding each for ten seconds.

Undergo Affordable Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment in India

Benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment in India is an excellent opportunity for international patients who are concerned about the rising cost of healthcare services in their homeland. Apart from the quality of treatment which is at par with the best in the world, benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment cost in India is in fact just a fraction of what overseas patients would have to pay in other healthcare havens across the world. Whereas by seeking benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment in India patients would be able to save substantial amount of money as well.

You can send your queries at: info@indianmedtrip.com  & https://indianmedtrip.com/contact-us/
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