6 Jul 2017

Frenuloplasty Surgery – Why Do I Need It

Frenulum can be defined as sensitive & elastic skin present behind penis. It helps an individual in attaining erections during physical intercourse. In some instances, where frenulum is short or extremely tight in nature, a person experiences pain & heavy discomfort while performing any type of sexual activity. It may also result in bleeding which eventually restricts a man to enjoy sex. Unfortunately, this problem does not resolve on its own, it necessarily requires a surgical operation.

What Is Frenuloplasty Surgery?

Frenuloplasty is a surgical intervention which can be implemented to correct tightness of frenulum to such an extent that it does not interfere & cause problems during consummation. It significantly boosts confidence of men who have had painful episodes of intercourse before. Main objective of this procedure is to maximize sexual pleasure by enhancing penile range of motion. 

Frenuloplasty Surgery

How to Prepare for Frenuloplasty Surgery?

Patients will need to follow enumerated set of instructions for achieving desired outcomes following a frenuloplasty surgery.

No Smoking – Men who smoke may have to encounter post-operative barriers. It is a good option to quit smoking completely prior undergoing frenuloplasty surgery.

Weight Loss – Being overweight can create trouble during the healing phase. Men who are obese or overweight in nature must consult respective andrologist & follow their orders to lose weight naturally.

Medical Evaluation – Men who are already struggling with chronic ailments such as lungs or heart disorders are not considered suitable for this procedure. Such patients should get involved in a complete medical evaluation to make sure that they are healthy enough to undergo frenuloplasty.

List of Medicines – They must discuss regarding each & every drug or medicine with respective andrologist that they take regularly to avoid complications after surgery.

Arranging Caregiver – Patients will need someone to help them in performing routine self-care activities like taking shower, doing household work & so on. They must arrange someone prior their frenuloplasty operation.

Procedure for Frenuloplasty

Frenuloplasty surgery can be performed successfully with the help of given steps.

General Anesthetic – In most instances, surgeons use general anesthetic to make patients asleep until the procedure gets completed.

Lengthening of Band – Respective surgeons make appropriate incisions & lengthen the tight frenulum skin. Frenuloplasty surgery creates a pleasing aesthetic profile along with solving the main issue.

Completion & Monitoring – At the end, surgeons close the incisions carefully. Patients are monitored for some time to minimize the occurrence of any complication after surgery. They can stay for one night in the health care center & go back home the next day.

Risks & Complications Associated With Frenuloplasty Surgery

There are some minor complications linked with frenuloplasty surgery. Patients must ask their surgeons the precise way to avoid & minimize them.
  • Painful erections
  • Aches & twinges
  • Severe infection
  • Bleeding
  • Damage to urethra
These complications can be smoothly controlled with proper care & intake of prescribed medications. Patients must avoid getting indulged in sexual activities for at least 3 weeks following frenuloplasty.

Recovery Following Frenuloplasty Procedure

Patients are likely to experience problems like swelling & pain at the incision site for a few days. Surgeons will recommend required medicines to control this pain. Patients should rigorously follow the directions of respective doctors to get back to normal life at a fast pace. Patients may have to face problems until the wound heals completely. They must take permission of doctors prior performing any strenuous task or activities like swimming or driving. They must attend follow-up care sessions without fail for a tranquil recovery following frenuloplasty surgery.

Why Plan Undergoing Frenuloplasty Surgery in India with IndianMedTrip?

IndianMedTrip has managed to be one of the most reputed medical care providers in Indian country because of their peerless services. They offer a number of andrology treatments & surgeries including frenuloplasty surgery at cost-effective prices. The following list depicts the key benefits of undergoing frenuloplasty surgery in India with IndianMedTrip.

Experienced Doctors – IndianMedTrip is associated with a highly acknowledged network of surgeons & medical professionals who have immense experience in performing frenuloplasty surgery.

Safety – Healthcare consultants at IndianMedTrip makes sure that the overseas patients get best frenuloplasty surgery without any complications. They follow international protocols to ensure overall safety of patients.

Confidential – Not every patient is comfortable with sharing their surgical details even with their family members. Medical experts at IndianMedTrip assures that everything will stay confidential.

In addition to this, patients do not need to spend a lot of money during their healthcare journey with IndianMedTrip. Frenuloplasty surgery cost in India is very affordable as compared to western nations. Overseas patients can retain a handsome amount by choosing steadfast services of IndianMedTrip. IndianMedTrip Team leaves no stone unturned to provide hi-quality care, successful results & faster recovery.

You can send your queries at: info@indianmedtrip.com  & https://indianmedtrip.com/contact-us/
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