19 Jul 2017

Taking Care of Risk Factors for Dementia Associated with Parkinson’s Disease

New research suggests that Parkinson’s disease patients with dementia can also lose mental abilities like Alzheimer’s disease patients. However, Parkinson’s disease belongs to a movement disorders group and generally includes symptoms like imbalance, rigidity and tremors. Nevertheless, not all Parkinson’s disease patients have dementia. Moreover, dementia symptoms usually take a decade to appear after beginning of Parkinson’s disease. Occurring as a result of drop in dopamine levels among patients which eventually garb movement signals to body, Parkinson’s disease is usually diagnosed in people who are over 50 years of age. 

Dementia Associated with Parkinson's Disease

Causes of Parkinson’s disease

It is still unclear for medical science as to what causes Parkinson’s disease. While only about 10 percent of patients have genetic linkage to disease, causes for the remaining 90 percent are still unknown. However, there is clear evidence which shows that neuronal cells located in substantia nigra area of the brain are altered and destroyed over time in Parkinson’s patients. It is therefore suggested that a combination of genetic and environmental factors are responsible for this alteration in neuronal cells. Eventually these interactions are found to result in loss of neurons making dopamine and dopamine production and loss of other substances which are generated by neurons. All of these are in fact findings of autopsies conducted on Parkinson’s disease patients.

Components Responsible for Brain Cell Changes in Parkinson’s Patients

Major components which are thought to be responsible for changes in neuronal cells are still not clearly defined. However, factors which influence these changes are generally exposure to toxic environmental substances, oxidation of free radicals which damage neuronal cells and associated components like Lewy bodies and mitochondrial dysfunction. Moreover, neuronal cell alterations and resulting Parkinson’s disease is more common among people who are having certain gene combinations.  

Risk Factors for Dementia in Parkinson’s Patients

Risk factors for dementia in Parkinson’s patients include people who are over 70 years of age and having low level of education alongside low socioeconomic status. Other factors include people who are exposed to severe psychological stress and those suffering from cardiovascular disease. Another indicator is disorientation, agitation, depression or psychotic behavior among persons when they are treated with levodopa drug that is commonly utilized for Parkinson’s disease treatment. Moreover, people whose score is greater than 25 on PDRS (Parkinson’s disease Rating Scale) normally used for checking progression of disease are also at risk of developing dementia.

Affordable Neurosurgery in India

Neurosurgery in India is of top quality and at par with the best available in the world. Parkinson’s disease treatment is performed by globally reputed neurosurgeons capable of performing the most complex neurosurgeries for international patients. Another added advantage for overseas patients willing to travel to India for Parkinson’s disease treatment is that neurosurgery cost here is just a fraction of what it takes to undergo similar procedures in the developed Western countries like United Kingdom, Canada and United States without compromising on the quality of treatment and outcomes. In fact Parkinson’s patients can save substantial amounts of money by undergoing neurosurgery in India.

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