17 Jul 2017

Is Your Chest Pain Associated with Heart Disease

We all must have heard hundreds of times that a relative or somebody in friend’s family or office got a heart attack. Unfortunately, this has become the actual scenario nowadays. If you look at the current healthcare studies, you will get to know that heart diseases have turned out to be a leading reason for death. Medical experts blame it all on lack of awareness amongst people regarding heart disorders, consumption of unhealthy food, and most importantly sedentary life choices. Luckily, majority of heart diseases and ailments are highly preventable as well as treatable. Taking care of body in terms of eating healthy, sleeping on time, and exercising properly can keep heart diseases away. 

Heart Disease

Experiencing Chest Pain - What's Next?

Do you experience frequent episodes of chest pain? If yes, then you should pay attention towards it. Pain in chest could be an indication of an underlying heart ailment. Well, you need not get scared. Chest pain can be associated with several other non serious factors too. For example, sometimes acidity may aggravate pain in chest which gets resolved on its own after some time. Here is a list of symptoms that can help you understand chest pain that occurs due heart disorders.

Time - In most instances, it has been observed that chest pain related to heart disease occurs in morning time after an individual wakes up. Such type of chest pain is clinically called as ‘angina’.

Condition - Patients struggling with an unrecognized heart problem may encounter chest pain (angina) that brings along heaviness, squeezing or burning sensation in heart. It may begin from chest and spread to throat, arms, back, and shoulder region.

Physical Exercise - A serious and problematic chest pain usually begins after you perform a strenuous task or physical exercises. Sometimes, it may appear after having a heavy meal containing fried food items.

Duration - Angina may last until you perform any physical task. Eventually, it will go on decreasing as you take rest.

Do I Need Medical Help?

In addition to above-mentioned symptoms if you fall under the category of following people, then the possibility of an underlying heart disease will get increased.

Chain smoker or Heavy Drinker - Habit of smoking and drinking regularly multiplies the chances of heart disease.

High blood pressure - If you already have high blood pressure and facing episodes of chest pain, you are at a greater risk of heart disease.

Mental stress - Mental stress is also linked to several heart diseases. If you feel stressed as well as suffer from chest pain, there is a possibility that you have a heart disorder. 

If you fit into this category, then definitely a medical help is essential for you. All you need to do is take an appointment with a well-trained cardiac surgeon for assistance. They may advise certain heart tests to figure out your precise status. Just stay calm because even if you are diagnosed with an abnormal heart condition, chances are it is in initial stage. Your possibility of getting cured is very high. So don't lose hope and start searching for an experienced cardiac surgeon at the earliest.

Where Can I Get Best and Cost-effective Cardiac Care?

You can visit India for getting affordable as well as high-quality cardiac care. Majority of hospitals in India offer a large range of cardiac treatments and surgeries for patients suffering from heart disorders like angina, arrhythmia, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, and a lot more. Indian cardiac surgeons are renowned worldwide for their skills and ability to perform any type of cardiac surgery smoothly. In addition to this, cardiac surgery cost in India is just one-third of the price which other developed nations usually charge. You can surely rely on Indian medical system and avail best cardiac surgery in India

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