20 May 2017

Performing safe Nasal Polyps through Endoscopic Sinus Surgery


Associated with asthma, allergy, persistent infections, and genetic disorder like cystic fibrosis – nasal polyps generally do not have transparent causes and affects men more than women, above the age group of 40 years.

Alteration in the mucous glands and neurovascular interchanges can also form nasal polyps. The familiar signs include a running nose with irritation, sneezing, disrupting the olfactory sensor upto 75% with loss of taste, facial discomfort, and other nasal difficulties. Larger polyps can even deform the shape of the nose.      

Pre-Operative Treatments:

In severity of sinus, patients are recommended with antibiotic medication along with nasal steroid sprays to help clear the blocked passage. People already suffering from hypertension, heart problems and others can have side effects by the usage of these meditative treatments.

Why is endoscopic sinus surgery performed?

The conduction of the surgery is based on the patient’s physical condition and should be given prior medicinal doses of antibiotics or steroids.   CT Scans, MRI, X-Rays are done for diagnosis of the extent of the ailment, to discern the propriety of the surgery along with assisting better arrangement.

Sinus surgery is mainly performed in cases of drastic pain and inflammation and the most prevalent procedure being used is the endoscope sinus surgery that excludes the need for face or mouth incision. A small telescope with an attached camera is projected through the nostril which enables the surgeon to derive a definite conclusion regarding the sinus condition. Moreover, it also allows the surgeon to operate for other diseases too related with the pituitary glands or the orbits.

The larger sinus incision facilitates better drainage thereby healing the affected pathway. It also renders better medications after the post -operative period. This method is related to less pain and nasal packing and ensures quick recovery with fewer chances of reoccurrence. However, surgery may not provide with a lasting remedy but is definitely one of the crucial processes towards the treatment of nasal polyps and often quite an effective method.

Functional surgery without an endoscope is also utilized, along with other methods lighting and imaging for an increased insight.

There are four basic approaches for sinus surgery; sublabial, intranasal, external and trans antral. Intranasal surgery is the means for the removal of nasal polyps in endoscopic surgery which provides access into the nasal cavity.

Endoscopic sinus surgery is done via two methods:

When local anesthesia is given, the patient is anesthetized which numbs the nasal cavity. In general anesthesia, the patient is sedated for the operation.

Sometimes, during the surgery, the nasal septum is also aligned and the nasal passages are also restored for the better filtration of air. In recent times, surgical balloons (sinuplasty) are also been used to expand the sinus opening depending upon the severity of the condition of the patient.

Along with the sinus surgery, the following practices are also executed:

  • Nasal polypectomy: Including the removal of polyps only.
  • Maxillary sinus surgery: Incision in the maxillary sinus is done.
  • Smoking should be strictly reduced to avoid post- operative bleeding and other breathing problems

Potential complications of endoscopic sinus surgery:

Though surgical intricacies are negligible, certain evident ones are bleeding, impaired vision,          sedative problems, and intracranial injuries. As the sinuses are exactly beneath the brain and next to the orbits, risk persists, as failure to treat the polyps can lead to fatal infection of the brain and the eyes.

About IndianMed Trip:

IndianMedTrip brings forth the best & affordable medical facilities for patients.  Linked with reputed hospitals Indianmed Trip provide treatments on numerous diseases of ear, nose & throat. Surgeries of nose, apart from cosmetic surgeries, are largely done as treatment for sinuses. ENT treatments in India are effective and render treatment for sinusitis, head or neck tumors, ear surgery, endoscopic sinus surgery and many others. IndianMedTrip professionals try to relieve the patient’s anxiety and create a positive approach towards treatment. Through little demonstrations of kindness blended with right professional etiquettes, IndianMedTrip takes an edge over other companies offering medical treatment in India.

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Source: https://indianmedtrip.com/articles/nasal-polyps-signs-symptoms-treatments/

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