25 Jul 2017

Robot-Assisted Heart Valve Surgery in India is Reasonably Priced

Robot-assisted surgery for heart valve repair or replacement is one of the most common cardiac procedures performed nowadays. Advantages of robotic surgery for heart valve replacement is that there are smaller and less invasive incisions which eventually result in lesser pain, improved cosmesis, decreased requirement of blood transfusion and quicker return to preoperative level of normal everyday activity alongside shorter length of stay at the hospital. Although outcomes and operation time is similar to that of the open-heart approach, advantages of robotic surgery for heart valve replacement far outweigh other approaches for treatment.
Robot-Assisted Heart Valve Surgery in India

Why Undergo Robot-Assisted Surgery for Heart Valve Treatments

Robotic surgery for heart valve treatments offer several potential benefits in comparison with conventional open-heart surgery. There is lesser risk of complications including blood loss, postoperative infections and blood transfusions. Apart from this robotic surgery patients will have to deal with lesser postoperative pain and scarring from incisions, while recovering much faster than they would have with the traditional open-chest approach. This will also mean that they will undergo a shorter stay at the hospital as well and be able to quickly return to a normal level of functional activities.

Good Candidates for Robotic Heart Valve Surgery

However, robotic surgery for heart valve repair and replacement may not be an appropriate treatment option for every patient. This is why every patient is individually evaluated by cardiac surgeons since the goal of heart valve surgery is to successfully install a valve which will last a lifetime for the patient.

Da Vinci Robot-Assisted Heart Valve Surgery Procedure

This is a state-of-the-art robotic system which consists of an ergonomically designed console for the operating surgeon. Close to this is a patient-side cart along with four interactive robotic arms. Then there is high-performance vision system at work in order to assist the surgeon who will not come in direct contact with the patient. The surgeon will make use of a proprietary EndoWrist instruments which are capable of operating through the four installed robotic arms. These are interactive instruments which effectively mimic and enhance the hand movements of the surgeon. They will also render the surgeon’s hand movements more precisely by minimizing the slightest tremor and which is an extremely important element while conducting operations on delicate heart tissue. The da Vinci robot-assisted heart valve surgery system overcomes limitations of conventional approaches by dramatically enhancing visualization, control, dexterity and precision. This in effect has helped cardiac surgeons to perform highly complex operations with high precision alongside excellent outcomes for heart patients.

Affordable Robot-Assisted Surgery in India

Robot-assisted surgery in India for heart valve treatment is performed by well trained and highly experienced cardiac surgeons who are globally recognized as top experts in cardiac procedures. Heart hospitals in India are internationally accredited and equipped with the most modern technology that is required for performing complex minimally invasive robotic surgery. Along with this, robotic surgery cost in India when compared to availability in other developed countries is just a fraction of what heart patients will have to pay elsewhere. Overseas patients who are already concerned with the rising cost of healthcare can in fact save substantial amounts of money by undergoing robot-assisted surgery in India.

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