10 Jul 2017

Risks & Benefits of Whole Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy

Breast cancer is a fatal ailment that arises because of abnormal cell production in patient’s breasts and surrounding region. No specific cause of this disease has been identified yet. Medical experts reveal that drinking excessive alcohol, family history of cancer, and physical inactivity may fuel up the risks of such life-threatening health disorder. However, it can be cured completely when a suitable treatment is given to patients in an early stage. In most instances, doctors perform a surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy procedure to treat breast cancer sufferers in an efficient manner.  

What is Whole Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy (WBRT)?  

Benefits of Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is a medical intervention which involves the use of sharply focused beam to uproot the cancer-causing cells present in patient’s body. In case of a breast cancer patient, respective oncologists or cancer specialists target the specific areas where tumors are present. On the contrary, a whole breast cancer radiation therapy (WBRT) involves targeting the entire breast to wipe out the undesired harmful tissues and cells. This type of breast radiation therapy is mostly used when cancer has reached an advanced stage.

Best Benefits of Whole Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy 

Here is a list of key advantages that a patient can get by undergoing whole breast cancer radiation therapy.

Treats Advanced Breast Cancer - WBRT can significantly treat the breast cancer which has spread to entire breast as well as multiple areas like nearby lymph nodes and armpits. Patients who have crossed initial stages and need an aggressive treatment can heavily count on WBRT. 

Reduced Risk of Recurrence - Healthcare professionals state that a whole breast cancer radiation treatment lowers down the risk of recurrence of cancer to a greater extent. 

Normal Time Interval - Generally, a breast cancer treatment needs a long period. It hardly requires 4 to 5 weeks of time interval for completion of a WBRT treatment. 

Successful Outcomes - WBRT can successfully treat the patients battling severe breast cancer. This breast radiation therapy can also accelerate normal health of patients by stopping the growth of abnormal cells entirely. 

Risks Associated with Whole Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy 

Although WBRT is a good treatment option for breast cancer, it involves certain risks. Major risks associated with a WBRT are listed below. 

Swelling in Armpits - Patients may encounter uneasiness and swelling in their armpits. However, it can be efficiently managed by intake of certain medicines.   

Heart and Lung Disorders - In some instances, patients may have to face heart and lung disorders in long run due to WBRT treatment. 

Fatigue - This is the most common side-effect associated with a whole breast radiation therapy. Patients will need to stay active and indulge themselves in an exercising routine to get rid of fatigue following a WBRT. 

Why Plan To Undergo Breast Cancer Treatment in India?  

Indian country has a massive range of healthcare organizations which are well-furnished with high-end diagnostic tools. They offer various cancer treatments including breast cancer treatment to international patients at nominal rates. In fact, breast cancer treatment cost in India is genuinely one-third of the money which most of the developed countries charge. Therefore, overseas patients seeking a high-quality breast cancer treatment in a hassle-free manner can totally depend on Indian country.

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