7 Jun 2017

What Should You Know- Detoxification Procedure

Alcohol and drug addiction have become a major issue these days. When an individual who has been addicted to alcohol decides to quit the habit completely, he/she may experience a state of being known as detox stage. It has been observed that a person in detox stage goes through a series of withdrawal symptoms that may impact their physical as well as mental health. In some instances, the symptoms may be mild in nature. Whereas in other cases they may be so much intense that they can result in serious medical complications. Therefore, such people should take the help of a medical professional to avoid such type of undesired recovery phase. A supervised medical detox will ensure best beneficial outcomes and help in managing a sound health of patients. 

When Does Detoxification Begin?

Detoxification journey starts immediately when one stops drinking. Most of the patients experience withdrawal symptoms and feel a shift in mental as well as physical energy within few hours. Some people may not experience symptoms at all for few days or even a month. Initial days of detox phase may seem difficult to patients and they may not be able to keep an equilibrium in their life.

Is Medical Help Needed?

Not everyone needs a prompt medical care during alcohol detoxification procedure. But taking help of a doctor can avoid major health issues and can prove fruitful. The following category of patients can opt for a medical help during detoxification.

  •  Extreme anxiety and mentally unstable
  •  Having a serious psychological disorder
  •  Having experienced seizures
  •  Poor general health

What is Alcohol Detox Like?

Alcohol detoxification procedure may differ from patient to patient. Some common things which a person may experience during this tenure are described as follows.

  •  Fatigue
  •  Excessive sweating
  •  Alcohol cravings
  •  Restlessness
  •  Sleeping problems
  •  Body shaking or seizures
  •  Feeling anxious or depressed
  •  Facial tremors
  •  Feelings of guilt
  •  Weakness in entire body
  •  Panic attacks
  •  Nausea
These symptoms can be handled easily and will not require constant monitoring. However, patients experiencing the enumerated symptoms will need an immediate medical attention.

  • Severe headache
  • Being overly excited or depressed
  • Running a fever
  • Mental confusion
  • Experiencing hallucinations

Detoxification Procedure Before and After

Detoxification can be a life-changing treatment for patients struggling with alcohol addiction. It may be a tough procedure but it is a crucial step towards a healthy life. Patients will be able to live a positive and an addiction-free life once they complete the course of treatment. Patients may start doing yoga or practice other relaxation techniques to stay in a calm state of mind. They may also get indulged rejuvenation therapies for some time to relax and heal the body from within.

Avail Best Detoxification Procedure in India at Affordable Cost

India holds a vital place for healthcare tourism in a global context. A large range of medical care centers and healthcare institutes in India offer finest detoxification procedures to help overseas patients get rid of drugs and alcohol. Detoxification procedure calms their mind and significantly help resolve physical as well as psychological issues that had aroused due to any type of substance abuse. With rising prices of health care amenities in developed nations, medical interventions have gone beyond the reach of a common man. Indian country offers cost-effective detoxification treatment plans to international patients without compromising on its quality. International patients can heavily rely on low-cost detoxification procedure in India and maximize their overall quality of life.   

You can send your queries at: help@indianmedtrip.com  & https://indianmedtrip.com/contact-us/
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