19 Jun 2017

Liposuction Types, Safety & Benefits

Also known as a fat suction procedure, a liposuction is a cosmetic intervention which can be utilized to reshape body parts by removing an excessive amount of fat and tissues. This medical procedure significantly improves body proportions and provides an attractive appearance to patients. Cosmetic surgeons start the operation by making a small incision and inserting thin tubes. These tubes can efficiently suck out fat from target area of patient’s body. It can be used to obliterate unwanted fat from body regions such as hips, arms, thighs, breasts, hands, and neck. Despite these advantages, one should not look at it as a shortcut to treating health issues like obesity.  

Types of Liposuction Surgery 

The following list elaborates the most widely performed types of liposuction surgeries. 

Tumescent Liposuction - This procedure need not be performed under the influence of general anesthesia as observed in other types of liposuction. This treatment method involves numbing the target area with the help of a local anesthesia. Once the area gets numbed, surgeons proceed with taking out the fatty tissues. 

Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction - As the name itself indicates, an ultrasound assisted liposuction surgery involves ultrasound technique to dissolve the undesired fat. Cosmetic surgeons carefully remove the fat after it is completely liquefied. This technique is mostly implemented for areas like upper abdomen, neck, and back. 

Laser Assisted Liposuction - Also touted as ‘laser lipolysis’ a laser assisted liposuction is a popular clinical procedure which can be implemented to eradicate extra fat via laser energy. Laser energy liquefies the excess fat and surgeons take it off with the help of a medical instrument known as a cannula. 

Key Advantages of Undergoing Liposuction Surgery 

Liposuction surgery provides a large number of aesthetic benefits. The given list depicts key advantages of liposuction. 

Slim Body Contour - It enhances overall appearance of patient by rendering a slim body contour. 

Instant Elimination of Body Fat - It instantly sculpts specific body areas which did not show any improvement with exercising or dieting. 

Boosts Patient’s Self-Esteem - Self-confidence is directly proportional to the way one feels about himself. Various studies have proven that external aspects play a major role in boosting an individual’s self-esteem. Therefore, this cosmetic procedure can help build up confidence in a person. 

 Why Opt for Liposuction Surgery in India? 

Indian country is highly acknowledged as a universal health giver due to its top-notch medical facilities. A massive range of qualified cosmetic surgeons well-versed in performing liposuction surgery has opened up a huge medical care potential for international patients. Liposuction surgery cost in India is merely one-third the price demanded in western nations such as Canada and Norway. Therefore, international patients seeking a high-quality liposuction surgery at an affordable price can visit India and ensure successful outcomes.

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