5 Jun 2017

Heart Angioplasty In India: Quality Treatment And Affordable Packages

Angioplasty is a successful procedure in opening coronary arteries in over 90% of the cases. It is accomplished by using a balloon-tipped catheter inserted through artery in arm or groin so as to enlarge narrowing coronary artery. Coronary artery disease usually occurs when cholesterol plaque typically builds up within the walls of arteries of the heart. Even though 30 – 40% of patients undergoing successful angioplasty develop recurring narrowing at site, it is still a viable option for treating atherosclerosis. Moreover, applications of newer devices like intracoronary stents, atherectomy & pharmacologic agents have enabled higher success rates, reduced recurrence & complications after percutaneous coronary interventions. 

What is Angioplasty?

Angioplasty or Balloon Angioplasty is an endovascular operative procedure used to widen narrow or obstructed veins & arteries. A balloon catheter comprising of an empty, collapsed balloon is passed over wire into narrow locations & subsequently inflated to a fixed size. This balloon eventually forces expansion of stenosis within vessels & surrounding muscular wall, thereby opening up blood vessels for improved flow. A stent may or may not be put in place at the time of ballooning. After the passage is cleared the balloon is deflated & withdrawn.

Diagnosing Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary Heart Disease or CHD will be diagnosed by doctors in accordance with individual’s medical & family history along with risk factors for angioplasty. Physical examination & results from tests will also contribute to diagnosis. However, no single test can diagnose CHD.

Common Tests for CHD include –

  • EKG – Electrocardiogram
  • Stress Testing
  • Echocardiography
  • Chest X-ray
  • Blood Tests
  • Coronary Angiography
  • Cardiac Catheterization

Why is Angioplasty Done?

There are many things involved for undergoing angioplasty.

Some good reasons include –

Severe or frequent angina which is not responding well to medicine & lifestyle changes.
Ischemia or severely reduced blood flow to areas of heart muscle due to narrowing of coronary artery.
Any artery which is likely to be successfully treated with angioplasty.
If you are in good health to undergo angioplasty procedure\
Angioplasty is a bad treatment option when –

Lacking evidence of reduced blood flow to heart muscle.
In absence of disabling angina symptoms where only small areas of heart are at risk.
In case of risk of complications or death during angioplasty due to associated health problems.
You cannot take blood thinning medicines like aspirin & antiplatelets after stents.
Anatomy of your artery makes stenting or angioplasty too risky or would interfere with success of procedure.

Angioplasty Procedure

Cardiac catheterization is performed as a first step to angioplasty. Doctors will give you medication for relaxation & will then subsequently numb the site with local anesthesia where catheter is to be inserted. Then, a sheath which is a thin plastic tube is inserted into the artery in the groin or sometimes in the arm. The catheter is passed through the sheath & guided inside the blood vessel to arteries surrounding the heart. Small amounts of contrast material is injected into catheter & photographed using X-ray as it moves through hearts valves, chambers & major vessels. With these digital images doctors can pinpoint locations in coronary arteries that have narrowed. While deciding to perform angioplasty, surgeon will now move the catheter into artery at the blockage site & perform interventional procedures which will last for about 90 – 120 minutes. Preparation & recovery will add several hours to angioplasty & the patient will be required to stay overnight at hospital for observation.

Angioplasty Recovery/After-Care

In case angioplasty was performed through the artery in groin, you will have to lay flat without bending legs while the sheath is in place. Even after the sheath is removed at the end of procedure, patients must lay flat for six hours in order to prevent bleeding. However the nurse can raise your head after two hours using a couple of pillows. You are not supposed to eat or drink anything except clear liquids until groin sheath is removed since nausea can occur during this period. With permission to eat, you will also be advised so as to follow a heart-healthy diet. Bring it to the notice of nurse or the doctor immediately in case you develop fever, swelling or experience chest pain, or pain in groin. Remove the dressing & push down on pulse in affected area after you return home.

Affordable Packages for Angioplasty in India

Cost of angioplasty in India is unbelievably affordable. While featuring the best heart hospitals & angioplasty centers, IndianMedTrip consultants are closely associated with top cardiac surgeons in India. Offering a variety of low cost packages to care of your healthcare problems, IndianMedTrip will make your medical journey a rejuvenating experience. Right from the day our relationship manager will pick you up at the airport to check-in at the hotel to scheduled appointments & check-in at hospitals, we will ensure that you face no inconvenience all along the course of treatment to a warm farewell departure heading back home.

You can send your queries at: help@indianmedtrip.com  & https://indianmedtrip.com/contact-us/
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