29 Jun 2017

Affordable Hip Replacement Surgery Options

There are two main types of hip replacement surgery options for patients with knee pain to choose from. However, these can involve a variety of different components & surgical procedures as well.

·      Total Hip Replacement Surgery – Part of the thigh bone including the head of femur are removed in total hip replacement & replaced by a new & smaller artificial ball which is fixed into the remaining portion of the thigh bone. Along with this, the surface of the existing socket in pelvis known as the acetabulum is roughened up in order to enable it accept the new artificial socket component which will enjoin with the new ball component. 

Hip replacement Surgery with or Without Acrylic Cement – Several artificial components of the prosthetic joint are fixed into bone with help of acrylic cement. However, use of cement is quite uncommon nowadays among younger patients who are more active & is only used either on the socket in some cases, while in others both parts are inserted without cement. Surfaces of hip joint implants are roughened or specially treated in order to encourage bone to grow onto them when cement is not being used. Since bone is a strong & healthy living substance it is able to renew itself over time so as to provide long-lasting bonds with the artificial components. Hip replacement surgery which only involves fixing one part with cement is called hybrid hip replacement surgery.

Total hip replacement surgery components can either be polyethylene plastic, ceramic or metal & may also be used in different combinations including the following.

  •     Ceramic-on-Plastic
  •     Metal-on-Plastic
  •     Metal-on-Metal
·     Metal-on-Metal Hip Resurfacing – Resurfacing the original hip socket & the ball of thigh bone is another type of hip replacement surgery. During this hip replacement surgery procedure only a hollow metal cap is fitted over head of thigh bone instead of removing the entire head like it is done in the total hip replacement surgery procedure. The socket portion of the natural hip joint is however also resurfaced with a metal component as usual.

Benefits of Undergoing Metal-on-Metal Hip Resurfacing – Patients undergoing this type of an operation have lower risk of hip dislocation & are therefore able to return to high level of physical activity in comparison with people who have undergone the traditional hip replacement surgery.

Disadvantages of Metal-on-Metal Hip Resurfacing – This hip replacement surgery procedure is typically found to release metal particles from prosthetic materials & which are typically associated for causing local inflammatory reactions which have unknown effects on the overall health of the patient. Moreover, complication rates resulting from metal-on-metal hip resurfacing is high among women & older patients. Additionally, this procedure is also not suitable for patients with osteoporosis or low bone density as their bones are already weakened.

Long-Term Results of Metal-on-Metal Hip Resurfacing – Since this hip resurfacing surgery has not been in use for as long as the total hip replacement surgery little is known about the long-term performance of the resurfaced hip joint.

High Quality of Hip Replacement Surgery in India

Quality of hip replacement surgery in India, including prosthetic implant is at par with the best in the world. International patients seeking good quality of affordable procedures in foreign countries can benefit from this opportunity. Apart from this, hip replacement surgery cost in India is also very reasonable & in fact just a fraction in comparison with availability of similar procedures in other healthcare havens across the world. Along with availing high quality of hip replacement surgery, overseas patients will also be able to save substantial amounts of money as well by undergoing treatment in India for their knee pain.

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