17 May 2017

Abdominoplasty is Also Known as Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty, which is also known as tummy tuck surgery is an excellent option for people with extra skin or much flag in abdomen which refuses to go away with diet or exercise. This surgical intervention is designed to flatten the abdomen by removing skin & extra fat alongside tightening muscles within the abdominal wall. However, Abdominoplasty surgery is a major procedure & therefore patients must carefully analyze the situation before making a final decision. Moreover, Abdominoplasty surgery should also be the last resort for people who have exhausted all other nonsurgical measures which are considered as an alternative to tummy tuck surgery.  

Good Candidates for Abdominoplasty Surgery

Abdominoplasty surgery is suitable for both men & women. However, they should be in good overall general health & maintaining a stable weight. It is also better if they are non-smokers or else consider quitting smoking for one month before & one month after the procedure. This procedure which is an essential part of mommy makeover is most ideal for women who are having their skin & muscles stretched following several pregnancies. Moreover, Abdominoplasty surgery is also an ideal option for both men & women who were obese before weight-loss & are still having excessive deposits of fat & loose skin in the abdominal region.  

Abdominoplasty Surgery Procedure

Abdominoplasty surgery takes between 1 – 5 hours of time to complete, depending upon the desired results of the procedure. Typically performed under the influence of general anesthesia, the patient may require help of a friend or a family member to drive them back home or stay with them for at least the first night following tummy tuck surgery.

Types of Abdominoplasty Surgery

  • Complete Abdominoplasty Surgery
This tummy tuck option is meant for patients who require the most correction. An incision is made low on abdomen at about the same level as pubic hair during this procedure & usually extending from one hip bone to the other. Another incision will also be made around the navel so as to free it from the surrounding tissue. Surgeons can then manipulate skin & muscles as required. Drainage tubes will be placed under skin on completion of the operation & will normally be removed following a few days after surgery.

  • Partial or Mini-Abdominoplasty Surgery
Partial Abdominoplasty surgery is performed using shorter incisions & on patients whose fat deposits are generally located below the navel. Belly button is also not likely to be removed during this operation. Partial Abdominoplasty surgery is also performed with help of an endoscope. Mini-abdominoplasty usually takes about two hours of time to complete depending upon the condition of the patient. Drainage tubes are also used like they are following complete Abdominoplasty surgery.

  • Circumferential Abdominoplasty Surgery
This type of Abdominoplasty surgery includes the back area as well for patients having excessive fat in this region as well. Circumferential Abdominoplasty surgery allows both, removal of skin & fat from hip & back areas in order to improve shape of the body in a 3D format.

Incision sites are typically stitched & bandaged following all types of Abdominoplasty surgery. Patients may also have to wear compression garment or an elastic bandage following operation. Patients who are exceptionally physically active will have to severely limit strenuous exercise for about 4 – 6 weeks of time following Abdominoplasty surgery. Tummy tuck surgery patients generally need to take about one month off from work following operation in order to successfully recover following surgery.

  • Affordable Abdominoplasty Surgery in India
India is an excellent medical tourism destination for international patients seeking affordable cosmetic surgery solutions including Abdominoplasty surgery. Abdominoplasty surgery cost in India can come as a pleasant surprise for overseas patients who are concerned about the rising cost of medical procedure in their country. Undergoing Abdominoplasty surgery in India is performed by some of the best plastic surgeons in the world who have initially for decades trained & experienced in developed countries like Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, & United States before returning to their homeland. 

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