2 Aug 2016

Affordable Pituitary Macroadenoma Surgery in India

What is Pituitary Adenoma?

Most of the pituitary tumors in the pituitary gland, situated at the base of the skull, are benign (non cancerous/adenomas) in nature. Although there are some cancerous (malignant) forms of pituitary tumors but these are very rare.
A pituitary tumor mainly develops in the frontal (anterior) pituitary gland however the back (posterior) pituitary gland rarely develops tumors. Normally, the pituitary gland serves as a multi-functioning gland and is responsible for producing various hormones which are important for major functions in the body, such as the growth hormones and other ‘master-hormones’ that regulate the secretion of chemicals and other hormones from the other organs and glands inside the body.

Causes of Pituitary Macroadenoma

Mostly, pituitary macroadenoma tumors tend to develop sporadically and almost instantly. However the reason at the cellular-level which leads to abnormal hormonal production and abnormal cellular growth in the pituitary gland is not yet known.

Symptoms of Pituitary Macroadenoma

Usually, the signs and symptoms of Pituitary Macroadenoma are noticeable after the level of hormones in the body becomes abnormal as well as the effect on the cardiovascular structure around it.

The size and the exact location of the pituitary tumor in the gland is what mainly decides the symptoms as well as the effect (whether over-production or under-production) on hormone production. The fact whether the pituitary tumor is applying pressure on the surrounding vascular or neural structure also influences the set of symptoms that the person will experience.

Treating Pituitary Macroadenoma

There are mainly three treatment methods used commonly to treat the various forms of Pituitary Macroadenoma. These are:
  •          Medical
  •         Radiotherapy
  •          Surgical
In some complex cases the treatment procedures may be combined as deemed necessary by the team of expert medical professionals attending you.
The main aim of these forms of treatment for Pituitary Macroadenoma is to:
  •          Regulate hormonal levels in the body
  •          Reduce undue pressure from the tumor on surrounding blood vessels (vascular system) or nerves (neurological structure) around it
The treatment methods aim to:
  •        Improve quality of life
  •         Ensure survival
  •         Relief from painful and disabling signs and symptoms
  •         Preventing complications from developing
  •         Controlling over-production/under-production of hormones to normal levels
  •         Preserving/Recovering (if possible) normal functions in the affected pituitary gland
  • ·     Preventing the tumor from recurring (developing again)

Surgical Treatment for Pituitary Macroadenoma

The surgical removal of pituitary tumors is one of the most common treatment methods for Pituitary Macroadenoma today. Earlier this surgery used to be performed using conventional (open-type) surgical approach however lately with the advances in surgical science it is possible to perform surgical removal of pituitary tumors using minimally invasive endoscopic or microscopic approach. Pituitary tumor surgery success rate is about 60% with growth-hormone secreting macroadenomas.

Getting Pituitary Macroadenoma Surgery in India

India is home to the world’s largest network of global-class hospitals and clinics that specialize in various medical and surgical specialties. These are healthcare facilities that are equipped with the latest in medical and surgical technology. These hospitals and clinics are maintained and managed by some of India’s most experienced and trusted medical professionals and doctors. India offers every patient with the most effective, efficient and convenient Pituitary Macroadenoma surgery at the most affordable cost ever.


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