2 Nov 2015

An advice to seniors to improve bone health

Bones give figure and form to the body. They also act as a shield to other organs like heart, brain, liver and other vital organs. They are made up of calcium, phosphorous and other minerals and also store &release them when the body needs it. Healthier bones are a symbol of good health. It is not only exercise or yoga that keeps bones healthy, but also diet rich in mineral component that plays an important part. Once age advances bones become brittle and weak and thin causing fractures or bone diseases. Osteoporosis is a deadly, long lasting disease in which bones become weak or brittle. It affects mostly women and it is a very painful condition. Patients with osteoporosis often break bones in the wrist, spine, and hip.

Old Age Health

To prevent the onset of the disease, some healthy activities can definitely keep bones healthy and strong. This can be done by maintaining optimal body weight with right food and exercise. Eat yogurt, salmon, milk, tuna,tofu and other plenty calcium rich food. Accompany a healthy diet with a few exercises like walking, jogging, climbing stairs or yoga. Soak in the early morning sunlight between 6.30 am to 9.00 am in the morning for Vitamin D. Vitamin D is classified as Vitamin D2 & D3 which are very good for bone health. Adults of age group of 50-55 need 800-850 IU of Vitamin D everyday. If you reside in a country where there is a lack of sunlight, then talk to doctor about Vitamin D supplements.

Keep yourself away from tobacco and alcohol because it contributes to weak bones. Women who consume more alcohol or tobacco are more likely to go through menopause earlier than those who don’t consume at all. Certain medications like prednisone, cortisone, prednisolone and dexamethasone which are used by patients suffering from arthritis or asthma if used for longer duration can cause weaken the bones. Talk to your doctor and try to opt for a different medication. Avoid sudden jerks or twisting movements, sudden high impact movements, abdominal curl-ups, forward bending if overweight and avoid lifting heavy weights.

Even young professionals are advised to take out some time from long working hours for a healthier lifestyle. It is quite understandable that today’s stressed and fast paced lifestyle gives little or no time for outdoor activities, but cultivating a few good habits go a long way to live a quality life.

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